Wednesday, October 7, 2009


The use of plants for the purpose pengubatan already widely known in our society since it used to be. Any trees and potentially beneficial to human interests. Society has so long to maximize the use of plants that can be found in nature so that pengubatan for plants that are ubatan have played an important role and major contributions in the field of perubatan.

Ginseng plants

Ginseng is a wild plant found in the dark mountainous terrain of East Asia, especially China, Korea and Japan. Light of these plants to avoid the sun. Growth of compound leaves to get a little light of sahaja. The food is concentrated fully on the roots. Roots shaped like the body of a human body. Her skin was yellow, but white inside portion. The length varies from a few centimeters (on the plants several years old), until 30 centimeters (at 10 years and over).
Chemical that is contained in the ginseng saponins and glycosides. Glycosides in ginseng root is called ginsenosida, consisting instead of various types of steroid glycosides. In addition, ginseng root oil also contains ASIRI, panasena, resins, musilago, panaxs acid, fitostecol, hormones and vitamin B. In China and Korea, public drinking ginseng to keep Kesihatan, prevent and cure disease, instead they had a habit meminun ginseng tea regularly every day.
Among the efficacy of ginseng is to strengthen the body and save energy, stimulate the formation of blood and improve blood circulation system, strengthen the functions and eliminate supported ketekanan, cure diabetes, strengthens the spleen function, preventing the entry of the disease through respiratory organs, digestive system intensified and helped to function properly. Ginseng is also an antidote to poisons and increase the resilience against disease. In Indonesia, ginseng, known as a strong Ubat libido enhancer, according to a Korean citizen living in Jakarta, efficacy of ginseng as a strong Ubat not proven, only the feelings of sahaja.


Turmeric which contains 3% fat, 30% carbohydrate, 8% protein, vitamin C and mineral salts such as iron and calcium. Substance is what makes saffron so beneficial to the body of the human body.
Turmeric or Curcuma domestica is always used in the kitchen as a food flavoring or coloring. Besides being used in the kitchen, turmeric has also been used in
down through the generations as traditional Ubat. Turmeric is always made in the form of flour, pasta, oil, Ubat breathe (inhalers) or just boiled so sahaja. Indeed peyembuhan relatively slow, but the ability of turmeric as antibakteria, stimulant (stimulates the activities of nerve for a while), tonic (to restore the spirit of the body or certain organs and astringent (a substance causing tissue contraction) showed keperkesanannya.

As Ubat outside, turmeric mixed with coconut oil is used as Ubat injuries. In smallpox and chickenpox, turmeric powder, one layer will facilitate the process of drying the wound. Turmeric is also often used as Ubat otorrhoea (purulent ear disease). Turmeric is also used inhalers to treat, cure inflammation of the lining the nose that causes blockage of the nose or some other flu symptoms.
Turmeric cooking water is known as Ubat sediment-butt and appetite enhancer. For bronchitis and cough illness, the water boiled turmeric, ginger and brown sugar can mengubatinya approximately taken regularly. Food Research Center in the United States to see Wordpress mixture of turmeric and cinnamon was likely mengubati diabetes. Potions can be double the permissibility of work to outline glucose insulin. Instead of some pharmacological tests, the substance kurkumin as yellow poster on the role of this plant as antibakteria and anti-inflammatory wound healing process.


Garlic or Allium sativum name of science is very popular in the household kitchen and the plant is not useful for menyedapkan sahaja sahaja food has now even become the foundation for the sufferers of prostate kancer. The substance contained disulfide in garlic is known as an antibiotic specifically slow breeding bacteria and slowed tumor growth. Prevention of tumor enlargement was basically going to prevent the growth of cells kancer. Epidemiology office in China and Italy reported pengekstrakan garlic can reduce the risk of kancer. Pengestrakan garlic, S-Allycysteine (SAC) and S-allyl Mercaptocysteine (SAMC) reduce the growth of cells, which are in kancer mengganas process. Tues neighbors called LNCaP. In addition, garlic may also lower plasma levels of fat, slow job creation enzyme cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Tuber god

Gynura procumbens commonly known as the god tuber many benefits it has on our Kesihatan. These plants grow up to 50 inches. The leaves are oval to round, elongated with a pointed tip. In India, Thailand and China, tubers gods have long been used as Ubat plants. In a book entitled Health of India, the tubers are used in the plain god Indo China for moisturizing the burn wound and breast tumors. Leaves, stems and tubers old gods can be dried to be a medicinal materials. To pengubatan from within, 2-3 leaves pulverized tubers gods like porridge, mixed with half a glass of water matamg, then filtered, taken 3 times a day until healed. Patients with tonsils, diabetas and menstrual disorders can use bulbs as an alternative healing god. Tuber god also able to stop the bleeding, improve circulation and reduce heat. Zat lain yang terdapat dalam umbi dewa ialah flavonoid, zat ini dapat mencegah pengumpulan darah dan menghentikan pengumpulan darah (trombolisis) pada pembengkakan akibat kelukaan. The water may also be used as a drink Ubat for throat pain. In addition, tubers gods may also be used to treat beauty face, leaves on the face and ditampal may mengubati acne.


Among-share portion avocado, flesh only the most widely used. Delicious and nutritious food high. Ingredients per 100 grams is as follows: 192-208 calories, 2 grams protein, 20 grams fat, 1.5 grams carbohydrates, 20 IU of vitamin B and vitamin C 15 mgr. Outer shell is used as a bitter taste Ubat worms, while the seeds are used to stop diarrhea-butt. The leaves can also cope with flatulence. Chemical content of the leaves is believed to be able to relieve coughs and disorders of the liver. The pulp is not only menyejukan and smooths facial skin but also known as an aphrodisiac. In the form of porridge, meat is often used to help cure festering wounds. Fruit pulp application to help heal quite easily, tampalkan sahaja little porridge to injury, 3 times a day and will appear impressions. In terms of beauty, women often use an avocado flesh as a mask for her face mempercantikan skin. In Guatemala, Central America, where indigenous people used this fruit for stimulating hair growth is thick.


The use of corn to overcome identified as hypertension or high blood pressure is well known in the community since the old days. Dr. Donton Sajuthi with the chemistry department lecturer Primate Research Center (IPB)? Bagor, Indonesia has made analysis uijian of corn with pengekstrakan chromatography and thin-layer pool and corn has proven prospect

bright as Ubat hypertension. Corn which contains flavonoids, a type of ginkgetin blood pressure drop factor. The plant is used as Ubat hypertension in the form of the cooking water. Hypertension encouraged to drink boiled water for two months and his blood pressure fell by around 30mmHg.


Carrots contain beta-carotene kind that could prevent bensopiren activities specifically cause lung kancer. Although beta-carotene is also present in red vegetables, tomato, salad and others anymore. But the usual substance used as a source of carrot and tomato only sahaja. Beta-carotene is also known as provitamin A that prevent night blindness eye disease or blindness namely chicken blurred vision at dusk.

Pule Pandak

Pule Pandak (Rauwolfia serpentina) recognized by rat kerana root root straight, rarely branched and shrinking of mice. There is also a call for snake-root or Arbre aux serpents kerana roots form also seems like a snake. Plants Apocynaceae family members have in India, Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia (especially in Java). Pule Pandak grown in lowland until height of 1.000 m above sea level. Figure a small plant, its height 15-40sentimeter. Portion of plants that are used to Ubat rimpangnya. Rimpangnya grow straight down, twisting shape like a snake. When burning will grow back new shoots and will produce a larger rhizome.
Pule Pandak Ubat used as a venomous snakebite antidote (an antidote), spiders, insect stings and Ubat sedative (sedative).
Pandak pule Rhizome small cut and chewed betel nuts can be cured with shortness of breath, heat and pain in the abdomen. Grated rhizome is mixed with water to cure fever and vomit-vomit. When mixed with brandy and wrapped or swept around the abdomen can cure diarrhea-butt, and also heal burns. Headaches also can be cured if the head washed with a solution of pule Pandak rhizome. Milk sap out of the trunk should cure white patches on the cornea. Diseases such as ulcer and ulceration can be cured with leaves and flowers. Aside from that, can also heal rimpangnya cholera, bowel, uterine pain, loss of appetite, intestinal worms, intestinal inflammation, difficulty in labor, inflammatory disorders of heart and soul.
Yohimbine efficacious Alkolid full interference mengubati namely weak and impotent aphrodisiac. Reserpine is an important element in the pule Pandak, he used as a Ubat hypertension. Khasiatnya Ajmaline the same as quinidine can be used to pengubatan cardiac arrhythmias, normalize heart rhythms. Other Alkolid contained in pule Pandak is Phytosterol, fatty acids, unsaturated alcohols and various types of sugar. Pule Pengekstrakan Pandak by psychiatrists mengubati used for anxiety, nervous, nervous, including mental illness so that quieter pesakit (tranquillizer).


Licorice roots are used to contain triterpenoid prevent breeding kancer cells and the cell escort kancer tend not to flourish with berleluasa. Licorice, or Glycyrrhiza glabra Leguminosae family grew from the original in Southern Europe, around the Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean. Chronic form of herbaceous plants, which usually grow to 70-79 inches. The only country that licorice plant on a large scale is Spain. From there, licorice root is exported to industrialized countries to be included into glisirisanya acid as a mixture of water syrup soft drinks.


Broccoli contains a substance that indol (bensopirol compounds) may prevent the increase in the formation of estrogen hormone produced by the ovaries. This hormone levels are too high that will stimulate the breeding of an underlayer kancer cells in the uterus and breast. With the indol broccoli, these hormone levels will not be too high. For those who always eat, kancer cell formation activity will be reduced. This broccoli chlorophyll contains high until the interest becomes green.

Semangeng glass

Leprosy leprosy or take a long time to cure. Although there Ubat-western Ubat may treat this disease, but the traditional Ubat glass semangeng also proved to play an important role in treating this disease. This plant form up and reaches a height of 4 meters. The leaves are opposite cross, oval-shaped, 5-7 inches long and 3-4 centimeters wide. Flowering under the armpit leaves, bowl-shaped and white. The fruit is green when young and turn into black after the elderly. This glass Semangeng contains substances such as saponins, flavonoida, polyphenols, tannins and antraquion. Semangeng glass leaves washed and dried, then used as powder and mixed with turmeric powder and honey smooth and mixture is taken three times a day with hot water.


Plants Memandangkan bring so many benefits to us, especially in the field of perubatan. We have guards and appreciate nature full of flora and fauna that we may enjoy the goodness and for all.