Chinese Herbal Medicine

Monday, July 14, 2008

As a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), one of my biggest successes is to provide relief for children suffering from diseases. Using the theories of traditional Chinese medicine and treatments that were established during the last 2000 years, I regularly achieve that goal. With regard to the health of children, Chinese medicine offers a great idea for a large number of health problems were not dealt with satisfactorily or completely modern Western medicine. For these and other reasons, I decided to specialize in treating children five years ago.

TCM has more than two thousand years of experience in providing solutions for children's health problems. This form of Asian medicine is the oldest and second largest health system in today's world, and is currently used by 25% of the world's population in over 90 different countries. TCM is a non-invasive healing manner that facilitates the natural ability to heal itself to restoring harmony and balance of the whole person. This time-tested medicine is working and evaluate each person as a single individual, therefore, treat the cause of the disease and not just the symptoms.

TCM main methods of treatment
1. Chinese Herbalist;
2. Tuina (massage);
3. Therapy food;
4. Acupuncture;

Pediatrics is one of the specialties of ancient Chinese medicine, and dates from the early first millennium. Since then, there has been a continuous development for the success of diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases.

Ten children suffering from health problems that deals effectively TCM
1. Asthma;
2. Eczema;
3. Acne adolescents;
4. -- Wet bed;
5. Iperattività (ADHD);
6. Colica;
7. Obesity;
8. Allergic Rhinitis (such as hay fever);
9. Ear infections;
10. Cold, including bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.

The diseases mentioned above are only some examples of how Chinese medicine can offer significant clinical benefits for patients who were insensitive to other forms of treatment. The TCM treatment of these diseases have no side effects, and are often curative, palliative, not because their objective is to eliminate the pathology of the disease rather than control or suppress the symptoms. In most chronic diseases, modern medicine can at best only a temporary symptomatic relief using various drugs. Unfortunately, modern treatments are also possible side effects, and repeated or long duration.

Not content with this! Any long-term treatments must be:
• efficiency and relief of symptoms;
• Safety, with few side effects;
• Easy to use.

TCM meets the above criteria. Parents of children who are sick are happy when they see how quickly they benefit from this practice, logic and time-tested medicine. TCM is easy to use, light and free of side effects, making it an excellent choice and a wise decision for your child. Here I discuss in more detail two of the most common conditions seen in today's children: asthma and obesity.

Asthma is a serious, chronic lung disease affects 21% of children between two and 15 years. This is the most common chronic diseases of childhood. This disorder is usually remitting and episodic in nature. Asthma is characterized by the reduction of large and small airways due to a spasm of bronchial smooth muscle, swelling, inflammation of bronchial mucous and the production of mucus tenacious. Asthma can start at any age, but most people to develop this condition before five years.

The main symptoms of asthma
• shortness of breath;
• held in the chest;
• The cough; • wheezing.

The frequency and severity of symptoms varies from person to person. There are four types of allergic asthma, exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB), pathology respiratory tract reactive (ie asthma that occurs during colds) and various types. Included in the group are several heartburn or reflux asthma and stress-induced asthma. Children sometimes outgrow their asthma, and half of these children will see a reduction in their symptoms when they move into adolescence. Unfortunately, 50% of this group will have their return asthma, often when they are in their 30s and 40s.

Modern medicine not to treat asthma in children effectively?
Fifty-two percent of children who currently receive modern medical care are poorly controlled asthma. The poorly controlled asthma has led to increased symptoms of asthma during the day and night, absenteeism (ie school or social commitments), exacerbations (ie more frequent acute), a greater need "rescue" of drugs and less tolerance for physical activity. The poorly controlled asthma is a burden on children and their families and health systems, because these patients are more likely to need urgent care and hospitalization. Although statistics show that over 50% of these children suffer from asthma, poorly controlled 88% of parents continue to believe that their child asthma is controlled "very well". In addition, 77% of general practitioners and 90% of the experts interviewed believe that their asthma patients are better controlled, although statistics show otherwise. Ultimately, asthma ill-treatment can lead to a lifetime of asthma.

Asthma and traditional Chinese medicine
This time-tested medicine is working and evaluate each child as an individual, therefore, treat the cause of the disease and not just the symptoms. The present approach of TCM treatment of asthma has been discussed for the first time in great detail of a famous physician appointed TCM Zhu Dan-xi (about 600 years). Since then, the treatment of this disease has been refined and improved by many generations of Chinese doctors. This approach provides for the use of several principles of treatment for an acute asthma attack, then when the child is in a remission or crisis. The treatment during the acute phase is amended if the patient shows asthma or hot or cold, asthma. As mentioned earlier, paediatrics is a distinct specialty within the traditional Chinese medicine. Most parents seeking an effective treatment for their child, asthma should see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who specializes in paediatrics. The most important methods used in the treatment of asthma in children in Chinese herbal medicine. Moxibustion, or burning more than dried herbs to acupuncture points, is also prescribed by some doctors. This treatment is administered during the "warmer" and "cold" times a year to prevent serious attacks and strengthen the immune system.

Chinese Herbalist
Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the most sophisticated systems of medicine-based plants in the world. Typically, combinations of ten to 15 ingredients are used in formulas related to a person as a model of harmony. Formulas are designed to work in synergy, all the ingredients and is designed to achieve a part of the whole process of rebalancing. After his return visits, makes herbs is adapted or modified as the patient's condition is improving.

The Chinese medicine herbal is effective for the prevention and cure of diseases. There are a number of formulas that were used by Chinese doctors for two millennia to improve the general health of children. Preventive herbal formulas can be used to inhibit chronic or recurrent tonsillitis, ear infections, cough, asthma, etc. The amount and type of formula is amended as the person's disease changes.

There are a number of ways that the Chinese herbal medicine can be provided for children. There are pills, powders, stains and tea. Any liquid form of Chinese medicine can be easily and effectively managed by an eye-dropper or syringe. When prescribed and dispensed by a qualified practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine herbal is safe without side effects.

Traditionally, during an attack of acute asthma herbal formula Xiao Qing Long Tang (Lesser Blue Green Dragon decoction) was used in the event of cold and asthma, as in cases of children suffering d 'asthma' hot 'Ding Chuan Tang (decoction wheezing) was often used. Postal code if it is more important, and then stir-fried But Huang (herb ephedra) and Chan Tui (periostracum cicadas), are valuable additions to the formula. However, if the cough is the main symptom then Kuan Hua Dong (Flos Tussilaginis) and Ren Xing (Semen armeniacae amarum) are more important.

During the delivery, where the construction of the immune system is the primary objective of the formula of herbs, a modified version of Yu Ping Feng San (Jade windscreen powder) is commonly used. Two of the biggest Chinese herbs to build the immune system are Huang Qi (source Astraguli) and Ren Shen (Radix Ginseng). In paediatrics, grass Tai Zi Shen (Radix Pseudostellariae) replaces often ginseng in clinical practice.

Diet and asthma
TCM recognizes that children have physiological characteristics and can not be regarded as little adults. In the treatment of asthma, one of the main differences in physiology paediatric to consider is that of a child is immature digestion, especially of the first six years begins when most asthma. This lack of maturity and poor digestion (rate) will prepare a child to experience is incomplete distribution of food and accumulation of mucus. It says in traditional Chinese medicine, "the source is the rate of production of mucus," and "the lungs are the place where it is stored phlegm." Asthma is a good example of what happens when phlegm east product (digestion weak), and the problem pathological accumulates in the lungs. Clinically, "phlegm in the lungs" hampers the flow of energy in the lungs and can manifest itself as an old game and / or runny nose, sneezing, coughing and wheezing or asthma. Flegme is clearly a key element of all types and stages of asthma in children. Consequently, TCM doctors elderly, teaching the young doctors, often repeating the assertion that "there is no asthma without phlegm." In Chinese herbal medicine, TCM doctors often add medicinal formulas that transform phlegm of herbs, both in the acute phase and remission. Municipality of ingredients used to treat asthma and the fulfillment of this function are Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae) and Bei Mu (Bulbus Fritillariae thunbergii).

A healthy diet can improve and prevent a relapse of asthma. Unfortunately, in today's society, children often consume a regime that has a lot of fatty foods and cold, which can cause phlegm. Moreover, food such as dairy products and peanuts also increase phlegm and should be limited. It 'important to avoid food allergies have known the child may, as well as foodstuffs and medicines that could damage the digestion (rate), as too cold, raw foods, sugar and antibiotics.

Christina (ten years)
I was a bad luck over the years because of my asthma. Often, I was sick with many breasts and viral infections which could make my asthma worse. When I was sick, I lost a lot of school, sometimes 30 to 40 days a year. When my mother began to take me to a pediatrician TCM, started me on an action plan to overcome my health problems. The specialist made me feel at ease to take the Chinese herbs and also trust that was for me the hope to feel "normal" and be like others and participate in sports activities. Although herbs are not the best taste, their success in helping me useful. I thank my TCM pediatrician to believe in me!

Modern society is more the increase in overweight, a generation of children in history, and this problem is more and more each year. The child obesity in the modern world is an epidemic. One person in ten is overweight, for a total of 155 million dollars. Approximately 30-45 million of these children are classified as obese - two to three percent of the world's children aged between five and 17. In addition, 22 million children under five are suffering from obesity, according to previous estimates based on the WHO [World Health Organisation]. Considering that the most prevalent nutritional deficiency in developing countries, nutrition, or obesity, is the first disease nutritional status of children, adolescents and adults in the West, including the United Kingdom and the United States of America ( Obesity affects 20% of American children).

In England, 700000 British students are obese, according to a major ongoing study that warns against soaring rates of diabetes, liver failure and heart problems among young people. Researchers say that 160000 children in England are showing signs that they develop heart disease, 150000 and suffering from hypertension and high cholesterol. The research also shows that there are signs of type 2 (late) diabetes in 4000 of these children. In addition, research shows that nearly 58000 British students have glucose tolerance, a first sign of increased risk of diabetes. The study estimated that 28% of boys and 36% of girls in the UK are now overweight or obese, and obese children in Europe top 26 million within four years.

The traditional Chinese medicine perspective
In traditional Chinese medicine, the five causes of illness and any imbalance in the human body are unhealthy diet, emotions, lifestyle, environment and outside the Constitution (ie genetics). With regard to obesity among children, most of factors that should be covered are food, lifestyle and genetics. Any explanation of the causes of 'current epidemic of obesity is responsible for his sudden surge. Thus, genetic causes are probably not significant. Why, even if a predisposition to obesity can be hereditary, because obesity has increased so much in recent decades seems to discount as the main cause genetic. Moreover, the fact that every generation is more heavy indicates that recent changes in our diet and lifestyle play a key role. Common sense tells us that the recent increase in childhood obesity seems to be related to the following factors: • Children are much less active today;
• fatty and sugary foods are more accessible;
• average food portions are larger;
• calories per bite increase.

In traditional Chinese medicine, digestion is the spleen and stomach. Poor nutrition and insufficient physical activity can weaken and affect digestion. When digestion is low, a person will have difficulty effectively separate the food they consume a "clear" (ie nutrients) and "problems" or waste (which is to say, urine and feces), can also lead to an accumulation of "problems" in the body material. When this "trouble" substance accumulates in the body, is referred to traditional Chinese medicine, such as humidity and, ultimately, catarrh, when frozen. It 'a fact in Chinese medicine, "Fat people [a] lot of phlegm and moisture." In fact, fat is nothing more than phlegm, humidity, and the level of turbidity in Chinese medicine. It 'also a statement of fact in Chinese medicine, "The spleen is the root of phlegm engenderment." In other words, when digestion is low, this may affect the flow of metabolism of the body, causing fluid retention in the body, known as phlegm-humidity in traditional Chinese medicine and fats in modern medicine.

With regard to obesity, treatment usually consists of taking Chinese herbal medicine, combined with a diet prescribed based on the constitution of the patient. This treatment of obesity involves the restoration of harmony and balance of body and, consequently, the formula-based plants are related to each patient's unique model of disagreement. Catarro and since excess weight is a byproduct of digestion weak, the approach used to treat obesity in Chinese medicine herbal focuses on the regulation and the strengthening of digestion.

This summary is of the article, the treatment of obesity in children with simple Dan Wen Tang (Warm gallbladder decoction) Li Shu-xia, Jiangxi Visitor Chinese medicine. N. 4, 2003. Of the 30 cases of obesity in children enrolled in this study were all between seven and 13 years. Each of these cases were classified as either mild, moderate or severe obesity. Patients who have a slight obesity has a body weight of 20% above normal, obesity average means to be 30-50% above normal body weight and obesity is a serious body weight exceeds 50% Above normal . All patients enrolled in this study were fed the formula of Chinese herbs called Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang (Coptis Warm gallbladder decoction). This formula has been modified based on the patient's clinical presentation. Of the 30 children who were originally enrolled in this study, two would not have medicine Chinese herbal. However, there was a reduction in the severity of obesity in the 28 other children, after two to three cycles of treatment (ie 30-45 days). During treatment, patients have reduced their weight from three to six kilograms. The formula of herbs was combined with exercise and a regulated regime. A follow-up visit showed that the weight loss has been sustained for a period of six months.

Natural Medicine is safe for children?
Most people who use natural products and health (NDP) believes that these products are safe because they are natural, but complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is safe when prescribed professionals. With regard to the health of children, parents should seek health care with a post-graduate training in paediatrics. Also, if children receive herbal medicines, must choose a health care provider who has the ability to control their child liver function during treatment. At the Clinical Center of Chinese Medicine in Hove, England, safety is a top priority, and all patients treated in hospital regular liver function tests carried out on site to monitor all receive treatment. The liver is simple test of performance and results almost immediately.

Sekilas tentang Madu

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Saudariku, taukah kalian bahwa penyakit itu ada dua macam, penyakit hati dan penyakit jasmani? Kedua penyakit ini mengandung hikmah ilahi dan kemukjizatan yang hanya bisa dicapai oleh kalangan medis di pertengahan abad ke-18.
Sesungguhnya kepada Alloh dan para rosul, yaitu akidah yang tertanama dalam hati, merupakan solusi pengobatan yang terpentinG bagi hati, yakni bagi penyakit jiwa.
Sedangkan untuk penyakit jasmani, kita bisa menengok pengobatan Nabi Sholalloohu ‘alaihi wassalam. Istilah Thibbun Nabawi dimunculkan oleh dokter muslim sekitar abad ke-13 M untuk menunjukan ilmu-imu kedokteran yang berada dalam bingkai keimanan pada Alloh sehingga terjAga dari kesyirikan, tahayul dan khurafat.
MadU atau ‘asal“Dari perut lebah itu keluar cairan dengan berbagai warna, di dalamnya terdapat kesembuhan bagi manusia” (An-Nahl:69).
Beberapa hasil penelitian tentang madu:
Bakteri tidak mampu melawan madu, dianjurkan memakai madu untuk mengobati luka bakar. Madu memiliki spesifikasi anti proses peradangan (inflammatory activaty anti).
Madu kaya akan kandungan antioksidan, Antioksidan fenolat dalam madu memiliki daya aktif tinggi serta bisa meningkatkan perlawanan tuuh terhadap tekanan oksidasi (oxidative stress).
Madu dan kesehatan mulut, Bila digunakan untuk bersikat gigi bisa memutihkan dan menyehatkan gigi dan gusi mengobati sariawan dan gangguan mulut yang lain.
Madu dan kulit kepala, Dengan menggunakan cairan madu berkadar 90% (madu dicampur air hangat) dua hari sekali di bagian-bagian yan terinfeksi di kepala dan wajah diurut pelan-pelan selama 2-3 menit, madu dapat membunuh kutu, menghilangkan ketombe, memanjangkan rambut, memperindah danmelembutkannya serta menyembuhkan penyakit kulit kepala.
Madu dan pengobatan kencing manis, Madu mampu menurunkan kadar gloukosa darah penderita diabetes karena adanya unsur antioksidan yang menjadikan asimilasi gula lebih mudah di dalam darah sehingga kadar gula tersebut tidak terlihat tinggi. Madu, nutrisi kaya vitamin B1, B5, dan C dimana para penderita diabetes sangat membutuhkan vitamin-vitamin ini. Sesendok kecil madu alami murni akan menambah cepat dan besar kandungan gula dalam darah, sehingga akan menstimulasi sel-sel pankreas untuk memproduksi insulin.
Madu mencegah terjadinya radan usus besar(colitis), maag dan tukak lambung di piring percobaan.
Selain itu madu amat bergizi, melembutkan sistem alami tubuh, menghilangkan rasa obat yang tidak enak, membersihkan liver, memperlancar buang air kecil dan cocok untuk baruk beedahak. Buah-buahan yang direndam dalam madu bisa betahan sampai 6 bulan.
Madu terbaik adalah yang paling jernih, putih tidak tajam serta yang paling manis.
Madu yang diambil dari daerah gunung dan pepohonan liar memiliki keutamaan tersendiri daripada yang diambil dari sarang biasa, dan itu tergantung pada tempat para lebah berburu makanannya.

Herbal medicine

Monday, July 7, 2008

Herbal medicine has its origins in ancient cultures including those of the Egyptians, American Indians and Chinese. It involves the medicinal use of plants to treat disease and enhance general health and wellbeing. Some herbs have potent ingredients and should be treated with the same care and respect as pharmaceutical drugs. In fact, many pharmaceutical drugs are based on the synthesised versions of naturally occurring compounds found in plants. For instance, the heart drug digitalis was derived from the herb foxglove. In recent years, interest in herbal medicine has skyrocketed, leading to a greater scientific interest in the medicinal use of plants. Many international studies have shown that plants are capable of treating disease and improving health, often without any significant side effects.

A range of disordersHerbs can be used to treat a wide range of disorders, including:
High blood pressure
Hormonal imbalances, such as premenstrual tension
Poor blood circulation

Skin problems, such as eczema.Active ingredientsA pharmaceutical drug typically uses a synthesised version of a plant’s active ingredient. Practitioners of herbal medicine maintain that an active ingredient can lose its impact or become less safe, if used in isolation from the rest of the plant. For instance, salicylic acid is found in the plant meadowsweet and is used to make aspirin. Aspirin can cause the lining of the stomach to bleed, but meadowsweet naturally contains other compounds that counteract the irritant qualities of salicylic acid. According to herbal medicine, the effect of the whole plant is greater than its parts. Critics argue that the nature of herbal medicine makes it difficult to administer a measured dose of an active ingredient.Treating illnessHerbal medicine aims to return the body to a state of natural balance, so that it can start healing itself. Different herbs act on different systems of the body. Some of the herbs that have been scientifically studied, and found to be effective and safe, include:
Echinacea - boosts the immune system and aids the body in fighting infection. It is used to treat ailments such as boils, fever and herpes. Echinacea is under investigation for its use in treating cancer and AIDS.
Dong quai (dang gui) - used for gynaecological complaints, such as premenstrual tension, menopause symptoms and period pain. Some studies indicate that dong quai can lower blood pressure.
Garlic - can be used to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood fats and cholesterol (a type of blood fat) levels. The antibiotic and antiviral properties of garlic mean that it is also used to fight colds, sinusitis and other respiratory infections.
Ginger - many studies have shown ginger to be useful in treating nausea, including motion sickness and morning sickness.
Ginkgo biloba - commonly used to treat poor blood circulation and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Some studies have found ginkgo biloba to be effective in treating neurological disorders, such as memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease.

Ginseng - generally used for debility and weakness, for example during recovery from illness. It can be used to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, however overuse of ginseng has been associated with raised blood pressure. Some studies show that ginseng can also boost immunity, improve mental functioning and speed the healing processes of the body.

Hypericum - commonly known as St John’s Wort. Numerous studies have demonstrated that hypericum is just as effective as some synthetic antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression. It is also effective for anxiety and insomnia. Research is currently focusing on hypericum’s antiviral properties and its effect on AIDS. Recent information suggests that hypericum can interact with a number of prescription drugs, including the oral contraceptive pill.Do not self diagnoseIt is very important that people do not self-diagnose any health conditions. Any medication (herbal or otherwise) should be taken under the supervision of a knowledgeable practitioner. Special considerationsNever stop taking conventional drugs without the knowledge and approval of your doctor. Always tell your doctor if you are planning to start a course of herbal medicine for your condition. Always tell your herbal therapist what conventional drugs you are taking.

Where to get help
- Your doctor
- Herbal therapist
- Australasian College of Herbal Medicine
- Victorian Herbalists Association
- National Herbalists Association of Australia website

Things to remember
Herbal medicine is the therapeutic use of plants to treat disease and enhance general health and wellbeing.
Herbs can act on the body as powerfully as synthetic drugs and should be treated with the same care and respect.
Never stop taking your conventional drugs in favour of herbs without the approval of your doctor.

Herbal medicine

What is herbal medicine?
Herbalist is also known as botanical medicine, herbs or phytomedicine. With the "cabbage", herbalists as any part of a plant, which can be used for healing. A herbal part of the solution that could come from leaves, flowers, stems, seeds, roots, fruit or bark of the plant and can be used to treat wounds, abrasions, cuts and a series of conditions.

Plants: an untapped resource of healing There are about 250000 to 500000 plants today, but only about 5000 of them were examined doctor or used. Many researchers believe that plants not yet recognized for its healing powers. We can support in the future, that some herbs in May to replace some types of antibiotics and prescription drugs, as widespread treatment.

The history of herbal medicine
Herbalist is considered the oldest form of healing. Herbs have been used in most traditional cultures and have an extraordinary influence on many systems of medicine, with many other prescription drugs by trees, shrubs or herbs.

Written documents of Native Americans, Roman, Egyptian, Persian and Hebrew cultures show that herbs were used to cure virtually every disease known. The history of herbal medicine, is a part of the history of the same herbal medicine and heard about Europe from the Middle East during the Crusades.

Herbalist worldwide In the United States and Australia, herbs were the only form of treatment available to pioneers and settlers in new areas and herbal preparations were still many doctors as the level of medicine for 1930.

Although as "alternative" or "complementary" in most Western countries, herbal medicine remains the only form of general medicine, available for most of the world's population.

How does herbal medicine?
Herbs contain a large number of chemicals in nature (ingredients), any kind of biological activity. Herbs work in a similar way for many pharmaceutical preparations and that is what makes the debate between the more conventional and alternative medicine practitioners.

Herbalist is most useful when it comes to treatment of chronic, ongoing conditions. There are no quick-fix treatments herbal remedies like herbal take indirectly in blood and target organs, and then reach their destination slower than traditional pharmaceutical preparations, which may have a more direct route like ' injection. This is not the case with all herbs, especially if they are taken in large quantities.

The role of herbalists Erboristerie believe that herbs should be used in its complete form for the balance of components used in the establishment. They believe that herbs can be very effective in treating many conditions, but without the unwanted side effects, often in traditional pharmaceutical treatments. However, it should be clear that herbs can be very powerful and, if used properly, can lead to very powerful negative effects.
Consult a Herbalist
You should always a first training Herbalist herbal remedies. Erboristerie are trained to know how to mix remedies to specific conditions and symptoms and how much should be taken and for how long. They also aim to treat the person as a whole, entire plant drugs to stimulate the body of the healing process capacity. Herbs are elected for the person and for the treatment of illness or their condition.
Types of herbal remedies
Herbal remedies are available in different forms:

Bathrooms with herbs; Herb capsules; Herb compressed; Douches herbs; Extracts of herbs; Herbs plants; vegetable oils; Impacchi of herbs and plaster; Ointments herbal; Tisane; Tisane; Ointments herbal; Decoctions herbs; Herbs wraps.

Today, herbal medicine sector is booming and a large therapeutic healing technology.

If the herbal medicine Herbalist offers remedies for almost every disease that all systems of the body. Common conditions of visa herbalists include:
Problems such as skin psoriasis, acne and eczema; Digestive problems such as peptic ulcers, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion and heartburn; Cardiovascular diseases such as angina, high blood pressure, varicose veins and ulcers and gynecological diseases, such as premenstrual syndrome and menopause problems.

Other conditions are: Arthritis; Insomnia; Stress and nervous conditions; Migraine and headache; upper respiratory tract infections; Cold & Flu, and allergic reactions such as hay fever and asthma.