Wonders of Honey Bees

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ever imagined magic honey bees? Apparently these animals are stored in so many miracles.

These bees make honey storage in a hexagonal shape. Where this form is the most effective form for storage of honey when compared with other geometric gentuk.

Many researchers suggest that honey bees use the form that it is possible for them to save the maximum amount of honey, but with the use of the material making up the least.

Mathematicians made amazingly amazed by the magic of the honey bee bees since calculations very carefully. Besides that, the way of communication between the bees is very difficult to believe, where the workers after finding the food sources of nectar flowers for making honey flew straight into the nest. Then the worker-bees to tell other bees the angle and distance of food source from the nest with a special dance body and wings. The other worker bees take a hint and can identify where the food sources and can find it without difficulty.

Wonders of the other bees is how when they build nests. Worker bees start to build the cells where the honey from the corners of a different, and so on until at last they meet in the middle and after the work was over, did not seem the incongruity or patchy in these cells. In this modern era, human beings will not be able to make the perfect design of this building without a complex geometric calculations and software support, but the bees do it very easily.

Does magic other honey bees? honey bees are capable of producing ten times more than they need, why? So that people can benefit from the drug-containing honey for human beings. For Muslims would often hear about the bees and the translation as follows: From inside them comes a drink (honey) of varying colors, inside there is healing for mankind. Verily in this is really a sign (the greatness of your Lord) for people who think. (Surat an-Nahl, 16: 69)

Is the magic of the honey bees produce honey? Honey is one source of food which God provided for man through these tiny insects, which consists of several sugar molecules such as glucose and fructose and minerals like magnesium, potassium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron and phosphate. One also contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6 and B3 that composition changes according to the quality of nectar and pollen that the bees consumed, and also contain copper, iodine and zinc in small quantities, as well as several types of hormones. So it is not surprising when the honey is "healing for mankind".

Miracle of scientific facts and properties of honey bees has been confirmed by scientists who met at the World Conference Apikultur (World Apiculture Conference) held on 20-26 September 1993 in China. Where the conference was discussed treatment using ingredients derived from honey.

American scientists say that honey, royal jelly, pollen and propolis (bee resin) can treat various diseases. A researcher, a doctor from Romania, said that he tried to use honey to treat cataracts, and 2002 of 2094 patients recovered completely. Polish doctors also said the conference was that the resin bee (bee resin) can help cure many diseases such as hemorrhoids, skin diseases, gynecological diseases and other diseases.

Benefits Royal Jelly Queen Bee's food

Monday, October 26, 2009

RoyalJelly or often referred to as bee's milk is a special meal Queen Bee. The color white is produced by a thick young bees as larvae food of bees and food for life for the queen bee.

Royal jelly is rich in hormones that function to improve and rejuvenate the body cells, nerve and brain cells of other organs. Natural effects to human health from this material was extraordinary, like that of his health and vitality of the queen bee who works just married and lay eggs every day of his life, besides the queen bee that was tens of times longer than other bees.

Royal Jely composition very rich in amino acids, hormones, natural B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12), Folic Acid, Niacin, Biotin, panthotenat Acid,, Vitamin C, Mineral (nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, manganese, nickel, cobalt, selenium, gold, chrom, bismuth. Proportion outlined Royal Jely containing 12% protein, 14% karbonhidrat and 5% lipid.

How young bees produce Royal Jelly? This product is produced by young bees eat the honey and bee pollen and then expelled through the hypopharyngeal glands in the form of a thick white liquid, which on both sides of the head and neck bees.

What are the efficacy Royal Jelly?

     * Antiaging or slow the aging process.
     * Menoupouse syndrome, impotent, infertility.
     * Cancer / effects of chemotherapy.
     * Brittle bones.
     * Post-operative healing.
     * Parkinson's.
     * Growth is inhibited
     * Chronic fatigue.
     * Diabetes.
     * Arteriosclerosis
     * Atherosclerosis

Was it only just above the efficacy Royal Jelly? There are many more like the following:

     * Arthritis / rhemautik
     * Anemia.
     * High blood pressure
     * High Cholesterol levels
     * Infection of the bladder / gall.
     * Asthma.
     * Gastric disease.
     * Impetigo.
     * Intelligence brain, etc. are not mentioned here.

You want to keep your health naturally? Try Royal jelly, the food every day lifetime of the Queen Bee.


"" Watermelon is good for people with hypertension because the water content and high kaliumnya can neutralize blood pressure. "(Second health)
Sharing Health
Pak budi introduce my name setiawan firm. a year ago I did not do a kidney stone operation after I take herbal medicines from the father. I thank you for exceptional father.

This time I was diagnosed by a doctor due to blockage in the heart of high cholesterol. I ask whether the information was no medicine that can lower my cholesterol levels before .. thanks.

Cancer is the result of changes in cells that have abnormal growth and uncontrolled. Increasing the number of abnormal cells form lumps are usually called tumors or cancer. Not all tumors are cancerous. Cancerous tumor called a malignant tumor, whereas the non-cancerous tumors called benign. Benign tumors usually a lump of fat that encased in a bag-like container, benign tumor cells did not spread to other parts of the patient's body.

Through the blood stream or lymphatic system, often the tumor cells and the toxins they produce out of the herd and spread to other parts of the body. The cells are then spread will grow in a new place, which eventually form a malignant tumor cell pack or a new cancer. This process is called metastasis.

Breast cancer, including cancers among the most widely discussed because keganasannya which often ended in death.
Breast cancer will show kekhasannya in attack sufferers. This cancer Kedanasan demonstrated by attacking normal cells around it, especially the cells of the weak. Ajan cancer cells grow very rapidly, so that the patient will enlarge your breasts is not as usual.

While attacking normal cells surrounding the cancer also produce toxins and removing cancer cells from a broken parent. Toxins and cancer cells will spread with the flow of blood. Hence we often find cancers that grow in other places as a result metastasisnya. In severe cancer often occurs Indonesia pendarahan.Di number of breast cancer patients occupy the second level after cervical cancer.

Why someone has cancer, she said DO NOT KNOW
But medically it can be said that a person likely to get cancer because of carcinogens, immune and psychological aspects. That cancer cells constantly develop and can not die. That cancer cells can not return to normal (irreversible).
How to cure: by surgery, radiation and chemical therapy.
Opportunity recovered from cancer pain is relatively very small.
The symptoms that indicate the presence of Attack Cancer
general can be seen and felt:
1. Arising lump in the breast that can be touched by hand, more and more and more hardened lumps and irregular shape
2. The shape, size or weight of a breast change
3. Small lump arising under the armpit
4. Out of blood, pus, or fluid from the nipple dilute
5. Breast skin crinkled like an orange peel
6. Shape or direction of nipple changes, such as depressed nipples into

Cancer as Abnormal cells
Breast cancer cells arise as a result of abnormal cells formed on the breast with uncontrolled speed and irregular. These cells is the result of gene mutations with changes in shape, size and function, as the cells of our bodies the original.

This gene mutation is triggered by the presence of a foreign substance into our body, including food preservatives, MSG, radioactive, oxidants, or carcinogenic properties produced by the body's own naturally. But the latter is very rare because the body naturally neutralizes carcinogenic substances produced by the body.

Together with the flow of blood and lymph flow, cancer cells and the toxins they produce can spread throughout the body such as bone, lung, and liver by the patient unconscious. Therefore not surprising that in breast cancer patients found a lump in the armpit or bump other nodes. Even appears also in liver cancer and lung cancer as metastasisnya. Patients often cough that never healed or prolonged shortness of breath.

When we are given by the doctor tested positive for cancer, the first reaction is fear appears extraordinary and desperate, especially if the cancer is already in an advanced stage. We recommend that excessive fear of this should be avoided, because this fear can be debilitating psychologically we are finally able to lower the body's immune or immunitas resources that naturally exist in the body. Resignation and began to understand the following cancer treatments who want to do, would be very helpful in the treatment of this cancer.

Breast cancer can be prevented by:
1. Avoid using a bra that is too tight for a long time
2. Avoid smoking and consuming lots of alcohol
3. Perform breast self-examination, every month
4. Avoid too much exposed to x-rays or radiation types other
5. Keep your health by consuming fruits and vegetables fresh. We recommend that you frequently consume soy and processed products, such as tofu, tempeh, and soy milk, because soy contains estrogen Phyto, namely genistein, which is beneficial to reduce the risk of breast cancer
6. Perform regular exercise
7. Avoid eating too many high fat foods
8. Handle stress well, such as through relaxation and meditation
9. Eat turmeric lalap puti (see mango) about two finger joints every day
Sense of tremendous pain in cancer is one of prolonged suffering that must be borne by cancer patients. The handling of this pain, in the modern medical world it is one of the most difficult problems to overcome. From observation, the difficulty of handling the problem of pain is caused by the subjective and psychological factors. Besides that some drugs used to overcome the pain can cause drug dependence and trigger atherogenic disease.

The most at risk of breast cancer disease, namely:
1. If the family have breast cancer
2. The first got my period at a very young age, or late experience manepause
3. Never menyusi children
4. Overweight
5. Never have children
6. Never received hormone therapy
7. Never received radiation to the breast

The results of the study, found a slight decrease in risk of breast cancer in pre-menopausal women who breastfeed their children the longest.
The material is thought Trigger Cancer.
Trigger cancer basically NOT KNOW for sure, but there are ingredients suspected as a trigger cancer. The material is called carcinogenic.

The materials included in the group of carcinogens, namely:
1. Senayawa chemicals, such as aflatoxin B1, ethionine, saccarin, asbestos, nickel, chrom, arsenic, charcoal, Tarr, smoke cigarettes, and oral contraceptives.
2. Physical factors, such as solar radiation, x-rays, nuclear, and radionukleide.
3. Viruses, such as RNA viruses (fam. retroviruses), DNA virus (papilloma virus, Adeno virus, herpes virus), EB virus
4. Chronic irritation and chronic inflammation may develop into cancer
5. Genetic weakness cells in the body, so as to facilitate the emergence of cancer.

Stage Breast Cancer
In breast cancer is early stage (0, 1 and 2) and advanced stage (3 and 4). Stage 0 means there are cancer cells in the mammary gland layer or saluransusu but has not spread into surrounding fatty tissue. In stage 1 and 2, the cancer has spread from the mammary glands or milk ducts to nearby tissue around it. In stage 2 cancer sometimes has started to interfere with the lymph nodes. Stage 3 breast cancer may be spelled in local advanced stage, where the tumor diameter of more than two inches, and often has spread to the lymph nodes near the breast. In stage 4 metastatic cancer, meaning the cancer has spread from the breast and lymph nodes around the armpit, to other parts of the body such as bone, liver, lung and brain.
Breast cancer can swell and burst, when it's so rotten and rancid smell coming out of breasts. Another complaint is the shortness of breath due to cancer of lung pressure.

Prohibition or Pantangan Breast Cancer Patients.
If we had developed breast cancer, we should avoid or reduce the intake of some types of food consumption. Because there are times when certain foods or beverages will spur the growth of abnormal cells, including breast cancer. There is such a substance containing that if the growth will stimulate the enlargement diasup cancer. There is also a result of containing carcinogenic preservation process. And some are, if consumed will reduce the effects of the drug in the body of work.

Some foods and beverages is recommended to avoid or reduce their consumption:
1. Bean sprouts
2. MSG
3. Tape
4. Es
5. Chili
6. Reduce salt
7. Longan
8. Alcohol
9. Pineapple
10. Chicory
11. Red meat
12. Cigarettes
13. Jackfruit
14. Durian
15. Soft drinks
16. Kangkung
17. Salted fish

The recommendations in Breast Cancer Treatment.
There are a few recommended foods to be consumed on a regular basis. Consumption may only be one type of material or a mixture of several ingredients. If we are attacked by breast cancer, it is recommended to drink the juice of ingredients below, do one glass twice a day.
1. Carrots
2. Radish
3. Plantain
4. Carambola sweet
5. Celery
6. Broccoli
7. Cabbage
8. Apple
9. Garlic

Soy milk drink half a glass, do two times a day, or 100 grams of consumption always tempeh every day.
Green Vegetables variety Cancer Prevention:
1. Beans
2. Cassava leaves
3. Bean
4. Papaya leaf
According to Drs. Vivi K. Tjahjadi, from Karyasari, Obot for breast cancer is sambiloto stew, white turmeric, grass and taro pearl mice, drunk in the morning afternoon and evening. This potion if taken 12 days, gradually the pain will fade away and the lump is also lost. The breasts will return as before without any pain. With a drink this potion chance of breast cancer was cured.

Healthy eating

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We, as Indonesian citizens are accustomed to eating three times a day, with rice as a "menu compulsory". Can not be said if no rice to eat. Eat without rice is classified as a snack, no more.

The problem is, whether such a pattern of healthy eating?

A few days ago I was chatting with a friend from Bandung Rukyat Center (Institute of Ala treatment Prophet), and the results of these conversations, quite surprised me:

Diet three times a day with rice as the main menu was not well.

Why? Because the supply of carbohydrates to be excessive. If judging long-term effects, blood sugar levels will be high if the accustomed way.
No wonder many people with diabetes in Indonesia.

Eating healthier: Five times a day.
     * Breakfast is bread and milk. Just a little carbohydrate. Avoid a full meal in the morning because it would make drowsy. If you eat well in the morning, the energy which should instead be used for activities up to your stomach.
     * 3 hours after breakfast, eat a light snack such as bread. Every 3 hours, the stomach must feel hungry
     * Lunch, please complete meal. Rice, side dishes and vegetables. But always remember: Stop before you are full!
     * In the afternoon, Ba'da ashar, food - snacks again. Afternoon snack such as compote, green bean porridge, or maybe fruit - fruit could be an option.
     * Evening, a full meal. Try dinner 3 hours of your bedtime, so before bed to digest the food has been completed and not interfere with your sleep.
If you notice, there is the pattern: Eat every 3 hours, because the stomach has been feeling hungry every 3 hours, but levels are associated with time.

If you want to eat fruit, eat fruit before you eat a full meal. Indonesian people used to eat the fruit - fruit after a meal of rice, and this pattern was not good. Eat fruit first before a heavy meal. When I asked this to the food chemist, was indeed no scientific reason: Fruit should be the first to eat from the fruit mikronutrisi go in first.

Well, I hope helpful!

Noni fruit

Noni fruit Know
This tree-shaped plant with 4-8 cm high. Stem woody, round, rough skin, branching monopoidal. Single leaf, oval, pointed tip and base. Length of 10-40 cm. Compound interest, the form of knob, stemmed, stamens 5. Fruit knob, irregular surface, fleshy, 5-10 cm long, yellowish green. Noni fruit grows on chalky soil height of 1.000m above sea level.

Gynecology and efficacy

Scopoletin, these compounds serve regulate blood pressure. When high blood pressure, help lower scopoletin. Conversely if blood pressure is low, he will increase it. In addition to antibacterial indicated, these compounds also regulate hormone serotonin, which helps reduce levels of anxiety and depression.

Morindin, this substance efficacious in improving the body's defense system. In addition to the above two substances, pace also contains gum, malate acid, citric acid, and antiseptic compounds.

Research Results
Based on the research, there are about 61 more potent compounds contained mengkudu. They work synergistically and mysterious. For example, some compounds that play an active role in the treatment of certain diseases, it does not mean only the compounds that contribute to it. But it is supported also by the other compounds. That's why eating a compound extracted Khasiatnya be any different than if we drank the juice mengkudu overall.

Say in treating blood pressure. Mengkudu juice can increase blood pressure for people with low blood but on the other side of the blood can lower blood pressure for hypertension. This phenomenon is not going to happen to mengkudu extracted fruit.

According to research dr. Mona Harrison of the faculty of Medicine, University of Bolton, the consumption of fruit juice will help provide mengkudu xeronine hormone. Xeronine of fruit mengkudu contradictory work. In people with high blood pressure, lowering blood pressure xeronin be normal. In people with low blood pressure, fruits mengkudu increase blood blood pressure. In other words, mengkudu juice serves as adaptogen, balancing function of body cells.

Lemon pulp mengkudu provide very significant change in heart, namely reducing the strength of heart muscle contraction, heart rate slowing down and increasing the number of heart coronary blood flow per minute.

Preclinical tests on cats showed limb hipotensif influence, namely reducing the blood flow resistance (vasodilatation) limb blood vessels but also have a cat hipertensif effect. research by A.M. Djojosugito et al. (1975-1976) showed, in the juice mengkudu there are at least two components are opposite.

Noni fruit juice also contains scopoletin. One of its functions, clean sediment arteroklerosis causes the blood vessels. Thus, a flexible blood vessels so the heart pumps blood work is not so heavy.
noni fruit has the effect of lowering blood glucose levels of white mice. Mechanism of hypoglycemic work through the barriers in intestinal absorption of glucose and increase insulin secretion.

So the fruit of work noni fruit indirectly lower blood sugar levels. But increase the presence of insulin that regulates blood sugar.
Noni fruit also contains antiseptic and antibacterial pathogen of Eschericia colli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus.

Anne Hirazu, I in his doctoral thesis to prove that noni fruit contain gum arabic mature and various types of glucose that has the power and stimulate antitumor immunity. Aerta contain the active compounds stimulate the pineal gland serotonin and endorphins issue (morphine body). So mengkudu often used in drug therapy.

Overcoming high blood pressure

Monday, October 19, 2009

High blood pressure or hypertension has become a common disease for many people today, especially for those who live in urban areas. High blood pressure or hypertension be a risk factor for stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure. And the worst of this disease is death. Therefore, if you can, this disease must be prevented. If you have high blood pressure, you can control this disease. How to prevent and control high blood pressure or hypertension?

Blood Pressure
Before discussing about high blood pressure or hypertension, you should first know about blood pressure. When you perform a physical examination or clinical examination to a doctor, there is usually a special tool used by doctors to check blood pressure. Tools to check the blood pressure is also known sphigmomanometer with Tensimeter. There are digital and there Tensimeter Tensimeter mercury is also still commonly used for clinical examination.

Checking Blood Pressure
When checking blood pressure, there are two numbers that are usually referred to as 120/80. What is these numbers? Systolic
The first number (120) is the systolic blood pressure, the pressure when the heart beats or beats (systole). Often called the pressure on.
The first number (90) is diastolic blood pressure, the pressure when your heart rest in between while pumping. Often referred to under the pressure.

The doctor will perform blood pressure checks by having you sit or lie down, because it was the best position to measure blood pressure. Then the doctor will usually be binding on the air bag on the right arm on the arm unless there are injuries. After that, blood pressure measurements were taken. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is called pulse pressure.

What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is blood pressure on the arteries when the blood vessels in the heart to pump by all members of the human body. Blood pressure is created by taking two sizes and usually there are two numbers to be called by the doctor. For example doctors call 140-90, then the meaning is 140/90 mmHg. The first number (140) shows the upward pressure due to pulsation of the arteries when the heart or heart beat or beating, and is called the systolic pressure or the pressure is often called. The second number (90) shows the pressure when your heart rest in between pumping, and is called diastolic pressure, or often also referred under pressure.

Once you know your blood pressure, would you want to know whether your blood pressure, including low, normal or high. The following blood pressure classification based on the number of measurements with Tensimeter for systolic and diastolic blood pressure:

Blood pressure systolic (first number) diastolic (second number)
Low blood or hypotension Under 90 Under 60
Normal 90 to 120 60 to 80
Pre-hypertension from 120 to 140 80 to 90
High blood pressure or hypertension (stage 1) 140 to 160 90 to 100
High blood pressure or hypertension (stage 2 / dangerous) Above 160 Above 100

Why Blood Pressure Rising?
What causes blood pressure to rise? As an illustration, if you're watering the garden with a hose. If you press the end of the hose, the water will come out faster and faster. That's because the water pressure increases when the hose is pressed. Also, if you zoom in tap water, the flow of water through the hose will become faster due to the increased flow of water.

The same thing happens with your blood. If your blood vessels constrict, the blood pressure inside the blood vessels will increase. In addition, if the amount of increased blood flow, blood pressure will also increase.

Causes of High Blood
There are several things that can cause a person has high blood pressure. There are factors causing high blood pressure you can not control. There is also that you can control that can handle high blood diseases. Some of these factors include:

This factor can not you control. If someone has a parent or relative who has high blood pressure, then it is likely he suffered from high blood pressure is greater. Statistics show that the problem of high blood pressure is higher in identical twins than identical twins are not. One study showed that there is evidence derived genes for high blood pressure problems.
This factor can not you control. Research shows that as age increases a person's blood pressure will rise. You can not expect that your blood pressure will be the same as young as you get older. But you can not pass control to the normal upper limit.
These factors can you control. Salt can increase blood pressure rapidly in some people, especially for diabetics, people with mild hypertension, people with old age, and those who were black.
These factors can you control. Excess fat in your blood, can cause cholesterol deposits in blood vessel walls. This can make blood vessels constrict and blood pressure consequently increases. Take control of your cholesterol as early as possible. For tips on controlling cholesterol, please see the following articles: cholesterol.
Obesity / Overweight
These factors can you control. People who weigh over 30 percent of ideal body weight, are more likely to suffer high blood pressure.
These factors can you control. Stress and emotional conditions that are unstable can also trigger high blood pressure.
These factors can you control. Smoking also can increase blood pressure was high. Smoking habits may increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Therefore, a habit that continued smoking as having high blood pressure, is a very dangerous combination that will trigger diseases related to heart and blood.
These factors can you control. Caffeine found in coffee, tea or cola drinks can cause increased blood pressure.
These factors can you control. Excessive alcohol consumption also causes high blood pressure.
Poor Sports
These factors can you control. Lack of exercise and move can cause blood pressure increases in the body. Regular exercise can lower your high blood pressure but do not do heavy exercise if you suffer from high blood pressure.

Preventing and Overcoming High Blood
To prevent high blood for you who still have normal blood pressure or high blood overcome for those who already have high blood pressure, then the following practical suggestions you can do:

Reduce consumption of salt in your diet. If you already suffer from high blood pressure you should avoid foods that contain salt.
Consumption of foods containing potassium, magnesium and calcium. Potassium, magnesium and calcium can reduce high blood pressure.
Reduce drinking alcoholic beverages or food. If you suffer from high blood pressure, should avoid excessive alcohol consumption. For men who suffer from hypertension, the amount of alcohol is permitted a maximum of 30 ml of alcohol per day while women 15 ml per day.
Regular exercise can lower high blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure, choose light exercise such as walking, cycling, running relaxed, and swimming. Apply for 30 to 45 minutes a day 3 times a week.
Eat vegetables and fruits are high in fiber such as green vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, carrots, melons, and oranges.
Run anti-stress therapy to reduce stress and you are able to control your emotions.
Quitting smoking also plays a major role to reduce high blood pressure or hypertension.
Control your cholesterol level.
Take control of your diabetes.
Avoid drugs that can increase blood pressure. Consult your doctor if you are receiving treatment for certain diseases, to ask for drugs that do not increase blood pressure.

High Blood can be controlled
High blood pressure or hypertension is not a disease that can not be eliminated. You can control and prevent high blood pressure.

Alang-alang, (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.)

     Lagurus cylindricus L. , Imperata arundinacea Cirillo.


Posture: herbs, grass, creeping, 30-180 cm tall. Trunk: rhizome, creeping underground stems to form a perbungaan upright, dense, rare hair on her book. Leaves: single, base close to each other, strands; ribbon-shaped, sharp pointed toes, straight, coarse, hair rarely, size 12-80 cm. x 35-18 cm. Flower: arrangement of multiple compound grains, rather furl, 6-28 cm long, each branch has 2 ears, 2,5-5 cm branches, flower stalks 1-3 mm, gluma 1; end bersilia, 3-6 veins, lemma 1 (husk); broad oval, short cilia 1.5-2.5 mm. Lemma 2 (husks); elongated, pointed 0,5-2,5 mm. Palea (husk); 0,75-2 mm. Stamens: 2,5-3,5 mm sari head, yellowish white or purple. Stigma: the stigma of a feather-shaped. Fruit: type of rice. Seed: ellipse-shaped, 1 mm long, more. Flowering time: January to December. Regional distribution, Habitat and Cultivation: In Java, growing at an altitude of up to 2700 m above sea level, in open areas or half-closed; a swamp; the soil with good aeration; in areas opened up; on the river; extensively on secondary forest; burnt areas; as a weed in fields; gardens and plantations. This plant cultivation can affect other crops, because the needs of a relatively high sodium. Propagation: breed itself. Every time rhizome harvested from plants that have been mature. Good Rhizome pale, sweet and cool taste. Reeds can menuyebabkan decrease soil pH. The amount of decrease in pH and barriers to nitrifikasi process indicates a positive correlation with the growth of weeds.

Local Name:
NAME OF AREA: Naleueng lakoe (Aceh); jih (Gayo); Rih, Ri (Batak); Oo (Nias); Alalang, Hilalang, Weeds (Minang Kabau); Lioh (Lampung); Halalang, Tingen, Padang, interests, Puang , Buhang, Grasshopper, Bolalang (Dayak); Eurih (Sunda); kambengan Imperata (Java); Kebut, Lalang (Madura); Ambengan, Lalang (BaIi); Kii, Rii (FIores); Padengo, Padanga (Gorontalo) ; Deya (Bugis); Erer, Muis, Wen (Seram); Well, Welia, Wed (Ambon). FOREIGN NAME: Cogon grass, satintail (En). Paillotte (Fr). Malaysia: thatch, reed. Papua New Guinea: Kunai (Pidgin), kurukuru (Barakau, Central Province). Philippines: Kogon (Tagalog), gogon (Bikol), bulum (Ifugao). Burma (Myanmar): kyet-mei. Cambodia: sbö ': d. Laos: hnha: z kh'a:. Thailand: ya-kha, la laeng, koe hee (Karen, Mae Hong Son). Vietnam: c [or] tranh. NAME Simplisia Imperatae Rhizoma; reed rhizome

Curable Disease:
     Rhizome: skin softener; peluruh urine, blood cleanser, appetite enhancer, stopping bleeding. in addition it can be used also in an effort to venereal disease treatment (gonorrhea, urinating blood, the lion king), kidney disease, injury, fever, high blood pressure and nerve disease. All parts of plants used as animal feed, paper materials, and for the treatment of ringworm. EFFECTS OF BIOLOGY and FARMAKOLOGI Infusa reed rhizome as a diuretic effect, on the basis of increased concentration of electrolytes (Na, K, Cl) male white rat urine. Giving infusa reed roots with a dose of 40, 50, 60, 70 g / kgBB antipyretic effect in guinea pigs. Infusa reed flowers at a concentration of 10% at a dose of 12 ml / antipyretic effect kgBB relatively the same as paracetamol suspension 10% in pigeons. Test Clinic: Dekokta roots of the weeds with a dose of 250-300 g, 2 times morning and evening can be cured 27 cases of 30 patients of acute nephritis. In chronic nephritis, herbaceous weeds can reduce edema and lower blood pressure. Dekokta herbs 250 g in the singular or in combination with the rhizome and leaves of Nelumbo nucifera and leaves could treat Agrimonia pilosa epistaksis (nosebleeds), haemoptysis (coughing up blood), hematuri (urinating blood), menorrhagia, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition, also reported that dekokta reed roots can be effective for the treatment of acute viral hepatitis in 28 cases; usually used in conjunction with Plantago asiatica, Glechoma longituba and Artemisia capillaris buds. Toxicity: In use by the rules, practically no toxic. Securities that are not dfinginkan: Dizziness, nausea, an increase in curiosity defecating, sometimes occurs in clinical use. Pharmaceutical Technology: Cellulose leaf weeds have a water absorption of the relatively well in the manufacture of tablets by direct printing.

Only the root (rhizome) that is used for the treatment


As urine peluruh:
49 pieces dried rhizome, cut into pieces and then added with 2 cups of water and boiled until the volume of water 1 cup live, filtered, and then drink 2 times a day.

Fever due to urinate blood:
1 tablespoon full of reed rhizome, boil with a few pieces about kwe (beligu pulp of half-baked sweets made of dry) in two cups of water until half. This water to drink 2 glasses of 1 day. Urine will be normal and the body temperature down.

"Zwartwaterkoorts" (Bld):
Drinking water boiled grass roots as grass tea.

Roots: metabolites that have been found at the root of reed ter.diri from arundoin, fernenol, isoarborinol, silindrin, simiarenol, kampesterol, stigmasterol, ß-sitosterol, skopoletin, skopolin, p-hidroksibenzaladehida, katekol, klorogenat acid, isoklorogenat acid, acid p-kumarat, neoklorogenat acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, d-malate acid, citric acid, potassium (0.75% of dry weight), a large number of calcium and 5-hidroksitriptamin. From the results of other studies of the roots and leaves found in 5 kinds of flavonoid derivatives are derived 3 ', 4' .7-trihidroksi flavon, 2 ', 3'-dihidroksi kalkon and 6-hydroxy flavanol. A flavonoid derivatives that might include groups flavon, flavonols tersubstitusi on 3-0H, flavanon or isoflavones present in the soluble fraction of extracts etilasetat reed roots. In the soluble extract fraction of the roots of water weeds in groups flavon compounds without free OH group, flavon, flavonols tersubstitusi on 3-0H, flavanon, or isoflavones.

How to Prevent Breast Cancer By Nature

How to prevent breast cancer naturally be more secure. The following are tips to prevent breast cancer by nature:

1. Exercise regularly.
Research shows that in line with increased activity, the risk of breast cancer will be reduced. Exercising will lower estrogen levels produced by the body to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

2. Reduce fat.
You must have often heard the clash of opinion on the relationship between breast cancer with fatty foods. Some studies show that low-fat diet help prevent breast cancer. Other studies show that there is no relationship between fat and breast cancer .. The latest research states that the more important is the type of fat is not the amount of fat consumed.
Type of fat that trigger breast cancer is the saturated fat in meat, butter, foods that contain full-cream milk (whole-milk dairy foods) and fatty acids in margarine.
As for the type of fat that helps prevent breast cancer is the unsaturated fats in olive oil and omega-3 in salmon and other cold water fish.
Saturated fats in meat and dairy products and fatty acids in margarine increases estrogen levels in the blood, whereas unsaturated fats in olive oil and omega-3 in fish does not cause an increase in blood estrogen levels.

3.Bila you eat meat, not cooked too well.
Apart from saturated fats found in meat, the way you cook the meat will affect the risk of breast cancer. Meats cooked / baked produce carcinogenic compounds (amino heterocyclic). The longer cooked, the more these compounds are formed. Heterocyclic Amino most numerous in the layers of grilled meat outside (skin) and charred black.

4.Makan more fruits and vegetables.
The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the less risk for all cancers, including breast cancer.
Foods from plants contain anti-oxidants are high, such as vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium, which can prevent cell damage that could be causing cancer. National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends to consume fruits and vegetables at least 5 (five) times a day. But to avoid fruits and vegetables that contain lots of fat, like fried potatoes or banana cream pie.

5. Eat anti-oxidant supplements.
Supplements can not replace fruits and vegetables, but an anti-oxidant formula could be a food additive that can prevent breast cancer.

6. Eat more fiber.
In addition to functioning as anti-oxidants, fruits and vegetables also contain lots of fiber. Fiber foods will bind estrogen in the digestive tract, so the levels in the blood is reduced.

7. Eat more tofu and soy-containing foods.
Foods derived from soy contains plant estrogens (Fito-estrogen). Like tamoxifen, this compound similar to estrogen the body, but much weaker. Fito-estrogen receptor bound to the same cells with estrogen the body, tied it out of breast cells, thereby reducing the effects of breast cancer triggers.
In addition to blocking estrogen the body to reach the cell receptor, soy-containing foods also accelerate the expenditure of estrogen from the body.

8. Eat more beans.
In addition to soy, Fito-estrogen is also present in species other nuts.

9. Avoid alcohol.
Many studies have shown that the more alcohol consumed, the risk of breast cancer increased because of alcohol increases estrogen levels in the blood.

10. Watch your weight.
Weight gain per pound after the age of 18 years will increase the risk of breast cancer. This is because in line with increased body fat, the hormone estrogen as a trigger in the blood of breast cancer will increase.

11. Avoid xeno-Estrogens.
Xeno-estrogen means estrogen that comes from outside the body.
Women taking estrogen from outside the body especially from oestrogenic hormone residues found in meat and residues pesitisida oestrogenic. Suspected xeno-estrogens may increase blood levels of estrogen thereby increasing the risk of breast cancer.
The best way to avoid xeno-estrogen is to reduce the consumption of meat, poultry (chickens, ducks) and dairy products (whole-milk dairy products).
But you do not need to worry about eating lots of fruits and vegetables, because the effect of anti-oxidants and fiber content more than pestisidanya residual effects.

12. Bask in the sun.
The increasing incidence of skin cancer (malignant melanoma) make us afraid of the sun. But a little sunlight can help prevent breast cancer, because at the time the sun on the skin, the body make vitamin D. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium breast tissue, thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer. In order to get the sun for 20 minutes / day, it is recommended to walk under the sun in the afternoon or evening. But if you want to get calcium or vitamin D from the sun is not, you can try to consume food supplements.

13. Do not smoke.
Smoking increases the risk of breast cancer.

14. Breastfeeding / breastmilk to give your child
For reasons still unclear, breastfeeding associated with reduced risk of breast cancer before menopause.

15. Consider again before using hormone replacement therapy (Hormone Replacement Therapy = HRT).
There are several good reasons to do HRT after menopause, which reduces the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. But HRT will increase the risk of breast cancer. Talk with your doctor and consider the risks that may arise, because most women a higher risk for heart disease than breast cancer.

One more thing that can affect the risk of breast cancer is stressful.
Medical literature states that stress can boost the risk of breast cancer. But research on this is still controversial. But it never hurts to start how to overcome stress in your life through meditasai, yoga, tai chi, gardening or other leisure activities.

Know the types of stroke

Stroke was divided into two types of ischemic stroke and stroke hemorragik. In ischemic stroke, blood flow to the brain stops because atherosclerosis (cholesterol buildup in blood vessel walls) or a blood clot that has clogged the blood vessels to the brain. Most of the patients or 83% for this type of stroke.

In hemorragik stroke, broken blood vessels that block normal blood flow and blood seeped into an area in the brain and damage it. Nearly 70 percent of cases of Acute hemorrhagic strokes occur in people with hypertension.

In ischemic stroke, blockage can occur along the arterial route leading to the brain. Blood to the brain is supplied by two arteria the internal carotid and two vertebral arteries. These arteries are branches of the aortic arch heart.

An atheroma (fatty deposits) may form in the carotid arteries causing reduced blood flow. This situation is very serious because each carotid artery normally provides blood to most of the brain. Fat deposition could also separated from the artery walls and flows in the blood, clogging arteries and smaller.

Carotid arteries and the vertebral artery and its ramifications could be blocked due to blood clots that come from elsewhere, such as the heart or a valve. This kind of stroke called a cerebral embolism (embolism = occlusion, cerebral blood vessels of the brain =) The most frequently occurs in patients who had heart surgery and people with heart valve abnormalities or heart rhythm disturbances (especially atrial fibrillation).

Fat emboli rarely cause stroke. Fat emboli formed when fat from a broken bone marrow released into the bloodstream and eventually joined in an artery.

Stroke can also occur when an infection causes inflammation or narrowing of blood vessels leading to the brain. The drugs (eg cocaine and amphetamines) can also narrow the blood vessels in the brain and cause strokes.

Blood pressure drops suddenly can cause reduced blood flow to the brain, which usually causes a person to faint. Stroke can occur if the low blood pressure is very heavy and chronic. This happens if one gets a lot of blood loss due to injury or surgery, heart attack or abnormal heart rhythms.

"Viagra" Experience in Food Ingredients

Saturday, October 17, 2009

In the human body, sexual function setting is strongly influenced by hormones, testosterone in men and progesterone in women. These hormones are produced by our bodies better if adequate nutritional aspects. Protein, vitamins and minerals, especially zinc (zinc) are the nutrients the body needs to establish and stimulate the production of hormones in the sperm.
From the illustration above, obviously, we need to eat nutritious foods in order to be prima stamina. The results of scientific research shows many compounds "viagra" in natural food. We never thought before that in the watermelon sitrulin contain compounds that is believed to have the effect as good as viagra. Sledri also very amazing, in this leaf contained apigenin active substance that can stimulate an erection. Intrigued with the other food?. Sartika reviewed 19 of them.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng C. Meyer)
One of the most popular aphrodisiac. In the ginseng contains active substance ginsenoside-RB-1 and ginsenoside-RG-1. This substance serves to stimulate an erection, increased sexual libido and eliminate fatigue. Use the extract as the mixed drinks are fresh or fresh / dried boiled as a soup broth.

Sledri (Apium graveolens L)
Sledri can not directly enhance sexual arousal. But there are some specific compounds that are adaptogenik and serves as analeptikum (freshener) that increases stamina, improving blood circulation and optimize the circulation of oxygen in the blood. Apigenin contained active substances can also stimulate an erection, preventing blood and helps penjendalan smooth muscle relaxation.

Leaf Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L)
Eat the lettuce is very good for health. Vitamins and high fiber, both to facilitate the digestive system. This leaves this leaf also contains ferulic acid which can stimulate eraksi, overcome irregular menstruation and heart amplifier. Meanwhile, other substances such as Lactucopicrin, can increase endurance, eliminate fatigue and prevent sleep.

Eggplant (Solanum melongena L)
Eggplant fruit is rich in compounds that can help saporin process the hormone testosterone. Eggplant also has the benefit of inhibiting the formation of free radicals, reduce LDL cholesterol and fight cancer cells that contain protease (trypsin) in it. Folic acid is also useful to have the woman and fetus during pregnancy.

Carrot (Daucus Carota)
Carrots are rich in beta-carotene content that can prevent the accumulation of blood sugar and fat crust causes impotence. Other substances such as porphyrin compounds in carrots work triggers the pituitary gland to produce more testosterone. If the content of testosterone in the blood increases, the impact of sexual arousal was more fiery.

Basil (Ocimum Linn Basilicum)
This seasonal crops contain active substances sineol and arginine, are able to overcome ejaculation Khasiatnya permatur, dilate capillaries, strengthen endurance and prevent sperm infertility. While the active substances contained boron in all parts of the plant, capable of stimulating the exit of androgen and estrogen hormones.

Garlic (Allium sativum)
In the garlic contain substances that can stimulate alisin nerve cells and the penis to expand to supply oxygen germanium substances that increase the vitality of the penis working. Mineral selenium contained in garlic may also prevent blood coagulation so blood fluid thickness that can complicate penile erection can be prevented.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale R)
Many active substances contained in ginger. Cineole is in the ginger rhizome overcome mapu enjakulasi permatur, stimulate erections, stimulating perspiration and central nervous system stimulant activity. While arginine useful to prevent infertility and strengthen the endurance of sperm.

Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L)
These plants contain active substances carvacrol, the benefits can warm the body, muscle relaxation and eliminate fatigue. While chavicine and calamene content can stimulate the spirit.

Cocoa (Theobroma cacao)
Eating chocolate also been shown to cause feelings of pleasure. Gynecology Phenylethylamine also help increase sexual arousal. It also can improve mood (mood). Others again with substance theobromine, these substances can increase the sense of alertness and peace of mind.

Sari Rose (Rosa sinensis L)
Essence of roses from the rose extract. This liquid is often used as fragrances, cakes, puddings and various beverages. In addition to providing fresh, fragrant effect, essence of roses contains compounds limonene and eugenol Condida albican repellent mildew and prevent the discharge causes premature ejaculation.

Seed Basil (Ocimum basilicum L)
These seeds obtained from the tree basil. Before using, soak beans in cold water mint to expand. Basil is widely used as a drink and pudding mixture. Sweet basil seeds embedded in a substance cineole and tannins, the benefits to stimulate erection and menguirangi excessive secretion of fluid in vagina.

Strawberries (Fragaria Chiolensis L)
Herbaceous plants from Chile, America was rich benefits. High Vitamin C plays a role in increasing the production of sex hormones and facilitate the flow of blood to other organs such as intim.Kandungan and antianaemic also good reconstituent to maintain stamina.

Watermelon (Citrulus Lanatus)
Red watermelon varieties are rich in lycopene content that can fight free radicals from the body and increase the production of sperm. The fruit is also very rich in fiber and vitamins will be able to maintain a healthy body. Watermelon more special charm after penelitia revealed that sitrulin compounds terkandungnya believed to have as good effect viagra.

Danger alfatoksin fungi that often triggers the cancer is found in nuts (peanuts, walnuts, almonds, etc.) do not have to discourage you consume, because the food is very rich in arginine content. These compounds will work to encourage a stronger blood flow to the area that spurred the emergence of intimate erection.

Condensed liquid produced by bees is indeed full of benefits. Amino acids and high in B vitamins that act as supporting sexual activity. Not to mention the high caloric content and easily absorbed by the body so as to restore power quickly.

Almost all types of eggs rich in protein content. In the 100 grams of chicken eggs for example, contained 12.8 g of protein. Protein content is what will be the raw material production of sperm. Eggs are also high in fat and calories energy contributor to our bodies.

Such as seafood, shellfish, shrimp and fish are rich in protein, minerals zinc / zinc and selenium. This substance works in the formation of sperm and testosterone production in men that increases sexual arousal.

Meat Goat
Almost all types of meat, either beef or lamb, rich in protein and fat content as a source of power-enhancing male vitality. Meat also contains chemical compounds tyrosine, dopamine and norepinephrine are useful as a trigger brain cells is more concentrated and alert.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)

Cause and transmission medium
The disease is caused by a virus that causes interference with the capillary blood vessels and blood clotting system, resulting in bleeding-bleeding.
Vector involved in transmission of this disease is the mosquito Aedes aegypti.

Disease manifestations
After the shoot / incubation for 3 - 15 days the infected person can experience / suffer from this disease in one of the following 4 forms, namely:
     * Form abortif, a patient does not feel any symptoms.
     * Classic dengue, the patient had high fever for 4 to 7 days, pain, bone pain, followed by the appearance of spots or patches of bleeding under the skin.
     * Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (Dengue Fever dengue / DHF) symptoms similar to classic dengue plus bleeding from the nose, mouth, anus, etc..
     * Dengue Shock Syndrome, symptoms similar to dengue shock plus / presyok in this common form of death.

Because of frequent bleeding and shock, then the disease mortality rate is high, therefore any patient suspected of having dengue fever disease in any level must be taken to a doctor or hospital, given the subject to the shock / death.

Treatment of this disease is primarily intended to overcome the bleeding, prevent / deal with a state of shock / presyok, namely by ensuring that people with lots of drinking, taking drugs and Sarikurma Platelets Spiriluna to increase blood.
Prevention is by mosquito bites in AVOID during the day (morning to afternoon) because the Aedes mosquito is active during the day (not night). This can be done to avoid being in locations that many nyamuknya in the daytime, especially in the area are his DHF patients. If it is necessary to be in place Dress MORE CLOSED, long pants and long sleeved shirts for example. USE LIQUID / CREAM ANTI-MOSQUITO (MOSQUITO repellant) which sold in stores, on the part of the body not covered by clothing.

Keep an eye on the environment in the house and yard. Discard or Hide the objects that contain useless water, or store in such a way that does not hold water. Sprinkle powder abate (which can be bought in pharmacies) in the bath and the other water reservoirs, as well as in trenches / ditches in and around the home, especially when the ditch water is not / less flow. Swimming / aquarium should not be left empty without fish, fill it with mosquito larvae-eating fish. Spray the parts of the house and the yard is a place berkeliarannya mosquitoes, with mosquito spray (which many are sold in stores) WHEN LOOKS IN THE MORNING wandering MOSQUITO / LUNCH / AFTERNOON.

If there is one positive inmates, or suspected of having dengue, immediately spray the entire house and yard with mosquito spray in the morning, afternoon and evening.

What to eat when Stress?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

As an employee, every day you are faced with routine work, new challenges and deadlines. Not to mention plus the necessity to work together and harmonize opinions with colleagues and superiors, who may have a personality and background of a different perspective. Less ability to manage these things can trigger stress above.

Stress is not immediately handled will interfere with your productivity as an employee. A good stress management does not only come from managing time and work load as well as good communication with colleagues and superiors, but also can be assisted with food intake and balanced nutrition.

Here is a list of foods and beverages you should avoid in order to manage stress.

1. Caffeine. Besides the coffee, caffeine is also found in tea, soft drinks and even in some types of beverages that claim to increase stamina. Caffeine release adrenaline, which in turn can increase stress levels. Enough caffeine consumption can indeed help increase alertness, muscle activity, nervous system and heart. However, too much caffeine consumption has the same effect as the effects of prolonged stress. Research also shows that there is a relationship between caffeine consumption with high blood pressure and cholesterol. If you include people who can not live without coffee, began to slowly reduce your coffee consumption.

2. High-fat foods, and cooked by frying gives the immune system affects the human body. Stress itself is affecting the human immune system, you should not exacerbate the high-fat foods.

3. Foods made from animal fat. High-protein foods that stimulate the body to produce dopamine and norepinephrine. Both are often associated with anxiety and stress levels.

Here are tips on food intake in times of stress.
1. Foods rich in minerals and vitamins. The best sources are fruits and vegetables fresh and not experiencing the process many times. Juice and a salad with minimal dressing could be an option.
2. Consumption of good fats such as olive oil, avocados and nuts.
3.. Stress can increase blood pressure and lipids, so you should notice your heart health. Try to consume more salmon, tuna and flaxseed that contains both omega-3 fats are good for heart health.
4. Expand drinking water. Water helps to detoxify the body of toxins and help absorb nutrients.
5. Eat small portions but with a frequency more often. This helps the body to digest food and prepares the body deal with stress.

10 healthy ways to cope with stress

1. Accupressure. Massage-massage at some point will help you stimulate healing points. This procedure is very good to help you relax and help relieve fatigue. Accupressure also been shown to help people to sleep more soundly at night.

2. Sports. Very effective exercise to help cope with stress because exercise will accelerate blood circulation and open heart to receive more oxygen. Exercise will also help you to be able to sleep better at night. Energy released when we exercise will also stimulate our body to produce more endorphins which are hormones that cause us to feel happy.

3. Hobby. If someone is experiencing severe stress, it is a good way to release stress is to channel it in the form of hobby. Hobby that involves many people in one group are also highly recommended for this hobby will be very conducive to one's social life.

4. Drinking Water White. Only by drinking one or two glasses of water will help you to be more relaxed and with enough fluids, you'll avoid the tiredness and fatigue that will further exacerbate the situation if you stress.

5. Massage. If the massage is the best way for you to escape from the stress, then start lighting candles and aromatherapy massages do after you work all day. Massage is not only a powerful way to soothe your mind and your soul after you all day activities, but also can help to stretch the muscles fatigue and stimulate circulation. Even the massage, gentle massage and light from your husband will help you to sleep better.

6. Meditation. Experts say that the most effective ways to cope with stress is meditation. Because meditation can help a person to clear your mind and concentrate on the surrounding natural tranquility. Has proven that meditation for 15 minutes to rest and tranquility more than sleep for 1 hour. But actually only a 1-2 minute meditation each day can have positive effects for your incredible. Begin by sitting upright and empty your mind. Meditation will help us to forget the thoughts and concerns that cause us to be stress.

7. Eat nutritious foods. At the moment we are in a state of stress, eat regularly and foods containing low carbohydrates will help maintain blood sugar balance. Eat foods containing too much carbohydrate is not a good thing because it will increase the content of insulin in the blood that will cause you to feel tired.

8. Sex. If you still do not know, sex is an effective way to cure almost anything, including stress, too!

9. Sleep. Fatigue is not a good condition to cope with stress. Condition of sleep deprivation will make you see the problem of excessive and exacerbate the situation.

10. Therapy. By visiting therapist regularly will help you cope with stress

Relationship Between Food Supplement and Disease

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What are the benefits and how to work a food supplement to help overcome diseases are questions that often arise, since during this diangggap only drug that can cure.

Disease that is felt by someone is usually strongly influenced by lifestyle, status, nutrition, the influence of poison (toxin) environment, and damage or vulnerability as a pre-existing genetic abnormalities. For example, at the beginning of the rainy season many people have flu. Conversely, why some people do not get? One of the most common reason given was the difference in the system imunnya. Someone with a strong immune function can be protected from infection.

But a more precise answer is that the interference caused a balance of overlapping symptoms. Many of the causes behind a person terinfeksinya, among others, due to fatigue, bad nutrition, stress and other factors that led to the decline in immune function. By knowing the benefits of food supplements to help achieve that balance back, will help to answer questions at the beginning of this section.

Joseph Pizzorno, ND explained that the relatively easy to remove symptomatic disease, but for basic imbalance or disruption is still there, it would appear syndrome, another syndrome which then must be removed also. Many diseases have multiple causes, for example, are easily recognizable enfeksi symptoms and triggers (bacteria or viruses). Although the trigger was gone, for example with antibiotics is the basis of the therapy system infections in general, as long as the body's immune system has not improved, other infections are likely to happen. In addition, side effects of antibiotic use can destroy intestinal flora balance.

New approach based on holistic treatment efforts to improve the basic system of health supporting the body to function effectively, in order to ensure good health. In this way we prevent the disease before it occurs.

ALVOCADO (Gratissima Persea Gaertn.)


P. americana, Mill.



Tree fruit from Central America, grows wild in the forests, many are also grown in gardens and on lawns layer loose and fertile soil, and not waterlogged. Although be fruitful in the lowlands, but the results will be satisfactory if planted at an altitude of 200-1000 m above sea level (asl), in the tropics of the many subtropik rainfall. Small tree, 3-10 m high, steep rooted, woody stems, round, dirty-brown color, much branched, smooth-haired twigs. Single leaf, stemmed 1,5-5 cm long, dirty, lying huddled at the end of twigs, shape round, ellipse until the eggs lengthwise, like a thick skin, a pointed tip and base, flat edge sometimes slightly rolled up, boned pinnate, 10-20 cm long, 3-10 cm wide, young leaves reddish color and tight-haired, dark green leaves and bare. The interest compound interest, androgynous, arranged in panicles that came out near the end of twigs, greenish yellow color. The fruit is fruit buni, form a ball or oval, 5-20 cm long, green or yellowish green, mottled purple or violet seeds Sarna was one, flesh soft when ripe, green, yellow. Seed round like a ball, the diameter of 2,5-5 cm, pieces of red and white beans. Ripe avocado fruit flesh is soft, fat, usually eaten as ice or created juice mix. oil is used among others for cosmetic purposes. Propagation by seed, grafting and way way Enten.

Curable Disease:
Sprue, hydrate skin scabby, bladder stones, headache; high blood (hypertension), nerve pain (neuralgia), stomach pain,; Channel swollen breath (bronchial swellings), toothache,; Diabetes (diabetes mellitus), irregular menstrual .;

PART THAT USE: The flesh of fruit, leaves, seeds.

- Sprue.
- Humidify dry skin.
- Urine stone.
- High blood, headaches.
- Nerve pain.
- Stomach pain.
- Channels of breath swelling (bronchial swellings).
- Menstruation is not regular.
- Toothache.
- Diabetes.

To drink: leaves 3-6.
Use of Outside: The flesh of fruit sufficiently pulverized, used to mask. Leaves for local consumption, seeds finely milled into powder to relieve pain.

1. Sprue:
A content of the ripe avocados were given 2 tablespoons honey pure, stir thoroughly and eaten. Do it every day until healed.
2. Bladder stones:
four avocado leaves, 3 puzzle pieces rhizome, petiole 5 cottonwoods, half betel nut, 1 nutmeg, 3 finger palm sugar, then washed braised with 3 clean water glass until remaining 2 1 / 4 cup. After chilling filtered and drunk. Day 3 x 3 / 4 cup.
3. High blood pressure:
Three avocado leaves washed and brewed with 1 cup water heat. After a cold drink at once.
4. Dry facial skin:
Fruit taken and crushed it until like mush. Used to mask, in a way that dry polishing face. Home washed with water after the avocado mask layer dried.
5. Cavities pain:
Hole in the tooth powder is inserted avocado seed.
6. Swelling due to inflammation:
Powder from seed to taste plus a little water until it becomes dough like mush, balurkan body gets sick.
7. Diabetes:
Baked beans over a fire and then diced with the machete, then discussed with clean water until the water turns brown. Strain and drink when cool.
8. Tea and avocados good for head pain, pain the stomach, swelling of the airways, nerve pain (neuralgia)and come irregular menstruation.

Results of research:
Leaves have antibacterial activity and inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus strains A and B. Staphylococcus albus, Pseudomonas sp., Proteus sp., Escherichea coli and Bacillus subtilis (EO ognulans and E. Ramstad 1975).

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Leaves: bitter taste, chocolate. Peluruh urine. Beans: Anti-inflammation, alleviate pain. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Fruit and leaves contain saponin, alkaloida and flavonoida, Fruit also contains tannins and leaves contain polyphenols, quersetin, sugar alkohot persiit.

Body Scrub: Smooth circulation

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Though still new, including in the western world, this body scrub has become a tradition in the countries middle east for centuries. Use a body scrub when you feel the need to conduct in-depth cleansing for the blood circulation.

Scrub oranges
Scrub fresh citrus fruit aroma and a slightly rough texture that can help rid the skin cells die and merangsag blood supply. Your skin feels fresh and healthy. This recipe below is enough to five treatments:
45 ml sunflower seeds that have been refined
45 mlm porridge oats medium
45 ml coarse sea salt
45 ml of orange peel that has grated
15 ml grated lemon rind
3 drops of essential oil grape fruit
closed glass bottles
almond oil

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and store in glass vessels sealed. When ready for maintenance, take 1 / 5 of scrubs. After that, in a shallow bowl, mix the material with almond oil until it becomes a kind of pasta. Open all the clothes and stand in the bath up. Apply this scrub on your entire body as he gently massaged. Pay special attention to areas of dry and hard skin like elbows, knees and heels. Clean the remains of scrub before bathing or flushing

Overcoming Allergy Drugs

Are Like eating fruit simalakama, drug allergies are very troublesome. If not taken, the disease is not cured and more rampant, if taken will cause allergies.
Research on drug allergies is often done. Some studies reveal an unwanted reaction in the use of drugs occurred about two percent of the number of patients taking the drug. Allergic drug reactions are usually mild.
But there were also to life-threatening. Allergy drugs have many differences in each person. For example in patients udem larynx (swollen), anfilaktik shock, and Stecvvens-Johnson syndrome. Udem larynx or suffering shortness of breath, if you have drug allergies will feel like someone choking.
In shock patients anfilaktik decrease blood pressure and in people with Stevens-Johnson syndrome will feel the skin and mucous membrane changes shape. Death due to allergies, not only in developing countries, also in developed countries which supermaju health facilities. Even in European countries still occur because of allergy drug deaths.
Therefore, the European monitoring network established drug allergy recording all events and provide information on drug allergies are common.
"Allergy medication usually occurs because the body is very sensitive that a person to overreact to the drugs used. The body tried to reject the drug, but the rejection reaction is very much to the detriment of his own body. Reactions that can include itching, shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure, skin reactions accompanied by abnormalities in the gastrointestinal mucous membrane, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, respiratory and genitals, "says skin specialist Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Dr. Ahmad Abdillah.
Abdillah said, the drug increased the risk of allergies in people who have an allergy or talent in medical terms is called atopy. To avoid the occurrence of drug allergies, need cooperation between patient and doctor. The patient must bring his experience to use for this drug, whether a particular drug makes the body causing allergy or suspected allergy.
"It would be nice if every person has a written record of the use of drugs and what happens to her body. It would be convenient if a drug treatment when needed," he said.
Drugs suspected allergens should be avoided and if necessary, choose a safer drug. Although can also occur, although not often, a previously not allergic to a drug could later also be allergic to the medicine.
"Avoid taking the drug if it is not necessary. Vitamin allegedly safe, though it may cause allergies, not because of the active substance vitamins, but because the additives in the manufacture of drugs such as dyes in it," the doctor called minus the glasses.
Patients who experience an unwanted reaction because the use of drugs, should be immediately to the doctor to get help. To stop the allergy medicine, there is only one way is to stop using the drug, and overcome the situation arising from allergies. Currently drugs circulating in the community millions.
Each year hundreds of new drugs introduced to the public. Before the drug was allowed in circulation, must go through rigorous testing and Drug Administration Food (BPOM). Of drugs given permission supply useful and safe. However, there are no useful drugs and a hundred percent safe.
Further Abdillah added Dr. Achmad, an allergic reaction to the drug appeared unexpectedly. Someone who was not anything particular medication, at one time could have been itching all over her body after taking the drug.
"Allergy emergence period could be fast, can be very slow, it all depends on the body's reaction," he said.
Similarly, severity of allergic reactions. One may immediately shocked into unconsciousness shortly after taking medicine that made her allergic. While others just itching, a few moments and then disappeared itch. For the layman, allergic reactions are considered poisoned.
This is different. Allergic reaction is excessive body's reaction to certain ingredients (in this case the drug), while poisoning (intoxication) is a reaction that occurs because of excessive use of drugs to exceed limits based on pharmacological toksis.
In the modern era like now, it's easy medical record. Can use any device, word processors, spreadsheets, databases or other devices such as PIM (Personal Information Manager, with a few modifications) or special devices such as Medibank. If the doctor does not give a history of allergy medication record, patient entitled to ask for it.
While some parties argue that the case of allergic equated with malpractice, especially if it resulted in severe effects such as Steven Johnson Syndrome or death due to fatal eg. Apart from the constraints related to drug allergies, the doctors are properly equipped (private practice or working in the medical care institutions) with medical record device.
At least use the pieces of the status of the patient to a drug allergy can be avoided. One patient allergic to any medications, Goddess Andika Pratama, was deeply shocked when he suffered because of drug allergy. Whereas previously admitted Goddess no problems with any drug consumed.
"I'm allergic to the medicine, recently only. Usually my skin itch immediately and the swelling when taking pain medication. It makes me come to the doctor and consult," said Dewi met in RSCM some time ago.

Sea Cucumber extract efficacy, For Medical & Beauty Natural

Sea cucumbers will grow rich in factors that can repair damaged cells. Content of up to 82% protein and essential fatty acids strengthen the efficacy of liver cells to remove antibodies. Because it is also sea cucumbers (gamat) is often called imunomodulator.

Because of the high collagen content, sea cucumbers (gamat) potent cell regeneration brief. According to Drs. Zen, gamat soluble in water so that it directly absorbed in the liver without undergoing detoxification. (Poster Agust-06 & www.pengobatan alamiah.com)

Many cancer sufferers who hope to cucumbers. After Prof. And Dr. Aleli Gana. Florinia Merca from Faculty of Chemistry, University of the Philippines, the Philippines discovered active compounds inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. The compound was called lectins. The study revealed, sea cucumbers on the concentration of 50 micrograms of agglomerate and block the growth of cancer cells. The same proved Jaime Rodriguez, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (Poster & www.pengobatan-alamiah.com)

Traditional medicines Multipurpose Since hundreds of years ago
Usually, Air Sea Cucumber drink to the woman after delivery to stop the bleeding, and accelerate the wound healing process of circumcision on boys Langkawi Island community.

At that time, the water Sea Cucumber (cucumber, gamat) are traditionally treated so that it has weaknesses, such as the color is not attractive, and smells.

Use of Sea cucumbers (Gamat, Sea Cucumber) as traditional antiseptics and versatile drug for various diseases has been known since 500 years ago on the island of Langkawi, which is a small island in the Malay Peninsula (Malaysia).

Research was carried Scientists have & Academics
Sea Cucumber efficacy has been studied by scientists around the world. Research conducted at several universities in Malaysia for 8 years showed that the Sea Cucumber can circulation, prevent cholesterol clogging the blood vessels, kidney function launches, increased levels of metabolism, helps arthritis, diabetes mellitus and hypertension as well as accelerate the healing of wounds, both external wounds and internal injuries.

Based on the results of research in various universities around the world, found that the golden sea cucumbers are efficacious as a medicine as a versatile and traditional antiseptic.

From these studies proved that the sea cucumber / gamat contain "Cell Growth Factor" (cell regeneration factor) so as to stimulate the regeneration / recovery of cells and tissue that have been damaged / decayed and even sick, so being healthy / recovered.

Examples are easy example in the case of diabetes mellitus. Besides drinking, gamat also applied to the wounds that had rotted, even almost amputated. Apparently, "Cell Growth Factor" able to work well so that the wound be recovered quickly.

According Dr.Ir.M. Ahkam Subroto, M.App.Sc., Bioteknolog LIPI researchers, high protein content in cucumber which reaches 82%, whether given to people with diabetes. High protein play regenerate pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. The result, increased insulin production. (Poster 441, August 2006, page 109).

Sea cucumbers are animals that contain mucus unpleasant aroma, but has properties that were incredible. Modern technology has eliminated the smell was not pleasant and purifies gold-cucumber water produced.

Efficacy ......... cucumbers overcome heart disease due to suspected docosahexanat acids (DHA) on cucumbers. DHA intake, the main fatty acids in sperm, brain, and retina of the eye-height can lower blood triglycerides cause of heart disease. It has been proven Zaiton Prof. Hassan, researchers from the Department of Food Science, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. Joint M. A Kaswandi, from the University Kebangsaan Malaysia, he investigated the fatty acid content chloronotus cucumber Stichopus. The result: cucumber DHA content is relatively high, ie 3.69%. (Poster, Edition: Sunday, 02 Juli 2006 17:12:52).
Sea cucumbers ........ not only help the healing process of stroke and asthma. Many other deadly diseases that solved by family members that Holothuriidae like diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, hepatitis, and psoriasis. Sea cucumbers believed to produce nearly all cases of the disease. How it works of course different. For example for uric acid-cucumber extracts to block uric acid, for osteoarthritis arthritis aka sea cucumber chondroitin thus providing improved rawannya bone, said Dr. Djaja MD Zen in Malang.

Sea cucumber extract that is now the fruit of lips in Indonesian society. Many patients expect to recover from deadly disease by consuming extract. On the other hand there are many doctors that a particular disease, then taking sea cucumbers for yourself and feel the usefulness. The next episode, the doctor recommends, if not practically, to prescribe to patients.

Just to mention an example, in Jakarta there is Dr. Pieter AW Pattinama MPH, former director of PGI Cikini Hospital. Long suffered from diabetes mellitus attacks since 1972 finally ended. That's after he did acupuncture therapy plus gamat extract consumption. His blood sugar level was initially 59 years 500 mg / dl decreased to 160 mg / dl in 2 months. (Poster, Edition: Sunday, 02 Juli 2006 17:12:52).

BENEFITS Mahkota Dewa

Monday, October 12, 2009

Mahkota Dewa Know

Including Thymelaece families. The main stem branches 1.5-2.5 m tall, leaves are oval-shaped sole, pointy toes. The fruit is round, dark red color when ripe. Plants from this Irian thrives at an altitude of 10-1.200m above sea level.
Efficacy and Gynecology
Nutritious pulp extract as an antihistamine, allergy, are cytotoxic against cervical cancer cells, are hapatoprotektif. Also lower blood sugar, antioxidants, lowering uric acid levels.
Alkaloids, organic compounds act as detoxification, neutralize toxins in the body.
Saponin is phytonutrients, often called "natural detergent". These compounds are antibacterial and antiviral. Also increases the body's immune system, increase endurance, reduce blood sugar levels, reduce blood clotting.
Indicated flavonoid anti-inflammatory and prevent cancer growth. Polyphenols act as antihistamines. Other substances are tannins, sterols, terpen.
Research Results
Dra. Lucie Widowati of Pharmaceutical Research and Traditional Medicine, Department of Health. "I examined the god of the year crown in 2003," said Lucie. The results show, the seeds are toxic mahkora god. While men do not. Lucie also concluded that substances found in fruits god mehkota include alkaloids, tannins, saponins,, flavonoids, polyphenols.
In its report abstraction, Lucie mention god crown fruit are cytotoxic against cervical cancer cells (Hela cells) and leukemia cells. Lowering blood sugar levels, lowering uric acid. Are antioxidants as free radical scavenger. Also reduce levels of uric acid.
The report also revealed the results of research from Lisdayati Vivi Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics UI. "Research says that the crown Vivi god can inhibit the growth of white blood cancers by 50% in shrimp larvae."
While Sumastuti from Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Medicine of bioassay test for cervical cancer cells early conclusion. Crown of juice extract can inhibit the growth of the god of Hela cells (cervical cancer cells) with Inhibitory Concentration (IC50) of 196.74 mg / ml in the cancer cells.
Test efficacy of lowering the crown of the god as blood sugar levels, also conducted Lucie. He is using 70% ethanol extract of the fruit crown of the god. The result, at doses 110mg/200g bb, blood sugar levels would decline in mice.
To see the influence of the crown of the god of uric acid levels, Lucie noted Hasturani Endah research from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sanata Dharma in 2003. research on cock lohman brown age of 2-4 months. Result, the meat juice crown antihiperuresemia gods have the effect, with the middle dose of 13.16 g / kg bb. So with the above dose levels of uric acid has come down.
To analyze the efficacy of the crown of the gods deal with eczema, itching, skin diseases due to allergies, test Sumastuti antihistamine effect by water extract of leaves and fruit of the gods crown. Selected guinea pig animal models. The results giving 0.5 ml of extract with a concentration of 6.25; 12.5; 25; 50; and 100% can reduce the contraction of guinea pig ileum by histamine.

Ant nests and the benefits

Ant nest is one of hydnophytinae epiphytes plants (Rubiaceae) which can perform symbiosis with ants and are said to be because the plants are epiphytes attached to other plants but not in the parasite lives on its host so that only as a place to stick it.
Ingredients and Benefits

Traditionally, a nest of ants used as a medicinal plant by rural communities in the western part of Wamena, Papua. The tribes in common Tolikara Bogondini and use them to overcome arthritis and gout.

Ant nest contains flavonoids and tannins. Flavonoids act as antidioksidan, which prevent bias attacks and overcoming cancer. Mechanism of action of flavonoids in cancer by making inactive carcinogens, inhibiting the cell cycle and induction of apoptosis. In addition, also contain tocopherol. Similar tocopherol vitamin E, the effect antidioksidan effective. Tocopherol functions as antidioksidan in warding off free radicals and as anti-cancer properties.

Judging from its contents, then the ant nest, according to research almost overcome various types of cancer. Similarly, ant nests can be used to treat heart disease and heart leakage. Ant efficacy in dealing with a leaky heart estimated by ant nests contain rich minerals. Anthill 0:37 g contains calcium, 68.58 mg of sodium, and 3.61 g of potassium per 100 g.

In the body's metabolism, calcium and sodium play a role to improve work of the heart and nerve impulses. While role potassium regulate heart rhythms. If the heart leak caused the bacteria infection, the compounds that act it is the flavonoids.

In many cases a direct role of flavonoids as antobiotik by disrupting the function of microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses. Flavonoid compounds contained in powder or water extract of the ant nest.

Thibbun Nabawi No Alternative

Noble Companions of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri rahimahullahu said:

أن رهطا من أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم انطلقوا في سفرة سافروها حتى نزلوا في حي من أحياء العرب, فاستضافوهم فأبوا أن يضيفوهم. فلدغ سيد ذلك الحي, فسعوا له بكل شيء, لا ينفعه شيء. فقال بعضهم: لو أتيتم هؤلاء الرهط الذين قد نزلوا بكم, لعله أن يكون عند بعضهم شيء. فأتوهم فقالوا: يا أيها الرهط! إن سيدنا لدغ, فسعينا له بكل شيء, لا ينفعه شيء, فهل عند أحد منكم شيء? فقال بعضهم: نعم, والله إني لراق, و لكن والله لقد استضفناكم فلم تضيفونا, فما أنا براق لكم حتى تجعلوا لنا جعلا. فصالحوهم على قطيع من الغنم. فانطلق فجعل يتفل ويقرأ: (الحمد لله رب العالمين) حتى لكأنما نشط من عقال, فانطلق يمشي ما به قلبة. قال: فأوفوهم جعلهم الذي صالحوهم عليه. فقال بعضهم: اقسموا. فقال الذي رقى: لا تفعلوا حتى نأتي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فنذكر له الذي كان, فننظر ما يأمرنا. فقدموا على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم, فذكرا له ذلك, فقال: وما يدريك أنها رقية? أصبتم, اقسموا واضربوا لي معكم بسهم

Some Companions Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam went in a Safar (travel) which they traveled, until they stopped at an Arab village. They then asked the villagers in order to entertain them, but the villagers refused.

Not long after that, the village headman was stung by venomous animals. The population was seeking every means of treatment, but not providing any benefit to recovery of their leader. Some of them said to another: "If you go to the party that had stopped at your place, maybe some of them have a drug (which can eliminate the pain suffered by our leaders)." Villagers had come to the party that the Prophet Companions of the rest it, saying: "O group of people, our leaders stung by venomous animals. We have sought various ways to cure his illness, but none of them useful. Does any one of you there is a drug? "One of the Companions said:" Yes, by Allah, I can concerned with. However, for the sake of Allah, we have been entertained, but you are reluctant to entertain us. So I'm not going to do ruqyah for you until you are willing to reward us. "

They also agreed to provide a flock of goats as a reward from ruqyah to be done. Companions of went away for those concerned with village leaders. He began to blow with a little spit and read: "Thank God rabbil 'alamin" (Surah Al-Fatihah). Until the leaders seemed to loose from the restraint. He went to walk, no more pain (which makes her body turning in bed).

The villagers were then rewarded as agreed earlier. Some Companions said: "Divide the goat." However, concerned with Companions said: "Do not we do that, until we face the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam, then we tell the story, and we'll wait what he says." They were facing The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam, then recounted what had happened. He asked his Companions to do ruqyah: "How do you know that Al-Fatihah was read for concerned with? You're right, divide the goat and give part of me with you. "

Above hadeeth narrated al-Imam al-Bukhari, Sahih rahimahullahu in his no. 5749, At-Tibb book, chapter An-Nafats Ruqyah fir. Also narrated by Al-Imam Muslim in his Saheeh rahimahullahu her no. 5697 As-Salam book, chapter Jawazu Akhdzil Ujrah 'Ruqyah Alar.

Some of the benefits that we can take from the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri may Allaah be pleased 'anhu the above is:

1. Surah Al-Fatihah mustahab to read to people who got stung by poisonous animals and people sick.

2. May take wages from the wage ruqyah and halal.4

3. All the goats actually belong to someone else while that which is concerned with not having the right, but distributed to his friends because of generosity and kindness.

4. The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam asked in the context of the more reassuring his followers and to further demonstrate that the wages earned are lawful, does not contain syubhat.

Such benefits mentioned al-Imam al-Nawawi in al-rahimahullahu Minhaj Syarhu Saheeh Muslim (14/410).

Medical Nabawiyya (At-Thibbun Nabawi) No Alternative Medicine

The existence of various diseases including Sunnah kauniyyah created by Allaah. Diseases is a disaster and a test set which Allaah has given the servants of His. And the unfortunate fact that there is benefit to the believers. Ar-Rumi Shuhaib may Allaah be pleased 'anhu said: "The Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wa sallam said:

عجبا لأمر المؤمن, إن أمره كله خير, وليس ذلك لأحد إلا للمؤمن, إن أصابه سراء شكر, فكان خيرا له, وإن أصابه ضراء صبر فكان خيرا له

"It's amazing the case of a believer. Indeed the whole case is good. That is not owned by anyone except a believer. If he got relief, he was grateful. So that's a good way for him. And if he was afflicted with sorrow, he was patient. So that's a good way for him. "(Narrated by Muslim, no. 2999)

Including the primacy which Allaah has given to the believers, He makes the pain that befall a believer as a sin offering and their mistakes. As mentioned in the hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ud, may Allaah be pleased 'anhu, that the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wa sallam said:

ما من مسلم يصيبه أذى من مرض فما سواه إلا حط الله به سيئاته كما تحط الشجرة ورقها

"It is not a Muslim be overwritten disorder or other illness, but God shed his mistakes as trees shed their leaves." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 5661 and Muslim no. 6511)

On the other hand, as Allaah reduce disease, he also lowered the drug with the disease. Gathering has now become the drug of grace and virtue of his servants to him, both the believers and the infidels. The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam said in the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah:

ما أنزل الله داء إلا أنزل له شفاء

"It is not God unless He lowered disease revealed that the cure for the disease." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 5678)

Abdullah bin Mas'ud, may Allaah be pleased 'anhu reported from the Prophet alaihi wa sallam:

إن الله لم ينزل داء إلا وأنزل له دواء, جهله من جهله وعلمه من علمه

"Verily Allah does not reduce the disease but He also revealed his medicine with him. (Only just) do not know the people who did not know it and know people who know. "(Narrated by Ahmad, 1 / 377, 413 and 453. And this hadith in Ash-dishahihkan Saheehah no. 451)

Jabir may Allaah be pleased 'anhu brought the hadith of the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wa sallam:

لكل داء دواء, فإذا أصيب دواء الداء برأ بإذن الله عز وجل

"Every disease there is no cure. So when the drug was about the disease will be cured by the permission of Allaah. "(Narrated by Muslim, no. 5705)

Al-Qur `anul Karim and Sunnah are replete with a variety of authentic healing and beneficial drug with permission of Allaah. So should we not first turned away and left him to switch to the existing chemical treatment in the present ini5. (Saheeh At-Thibbun Nabawi, pp. 5-6, Abu Anas al-Majid al Bankani-'Iraqi)

That's why Al-Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah rahimahullahu said: "It's the doctors have agreed that when possible treatment with the food then do not turn to drugs (chemical,-Pent.). When possible simple drugs, then do not switch on the drug complex. They said: 'Any disease that can be rejected by certain foods and prevention, do not try to resist the drugs'. "

Ibn al-Qayyim also said: "turning people from nubuwwah treatments as well as turning them from the treatment with Al-Qur` an, which is a useful drug. "(At-Thibbun Nabawi, pp. 6, 29)

Thus, it is inappropriate for a Muslim to make the treatment Nabawiyya merely as an alternative treatment. That should he become the main way of treatment, because the certainty comes from Allaah through His messenger oral peace 'alaihi wa sallam. While treatment with chemical drugs such certainty is not obtained with certainty Thibbun Nabawi. Treatment Prophet taught 'alaihi wa sallam is believed to cure because it comes from revelation. While treatment of the Prophet but for the most suspicion, or with experience / testing. (Bari Fath, 10/210)

But of course, related to the healing of a disease, a servant should not rely solely with certain medications. And should not believe that the healing obatlah pain. However, he should lean and depend on the Essence of providing cure disease and reduce at the same time, ie Allaah. A servant should always rely on Him in all circumstances. He should always pray to Him to remove all the middle kemudharatan happened. Allaah says:

أمن يجيب المضطر إذا دعاه ويكشف السوء

"Who said / grant the request of the narrowness of people when he prayed to Him, and (who) he is eliminating evil?" (An-Naml: 62)

Really no one can provide a cure except Allaah alone. For this reason, Ibrahim, peace be upon him said, praising his Lord:

وإذا مرضت فهو يشفين

"And when I was sick, He is the cure." (Ash-SYU'ARA `: 80)

Sample Medical Nabawi

Lots of Nabawi treatment. We only mention some of them, because of the limitations existing pages:

1. Treatment with honey

Allaah says about honey bees out of the stomach:

يخرج من بطونها شراب مختلف ألوانه فيه شفاء للناس

"From inside them comes a drink (honey) of varying colors, containing healing for mankind." (An-Nahl: 69)

Honey can be used to treat various types of diseases with the permission of Allaah. Among others to treat abdominal pain, as shown in the following hadith:

أن رجلا أتى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: أخي يشتكي بطنه. فقال: اسقه عسلا. ثم أتاه الثانية فقال: اسقه عسلا. ثم أتاه الثالثة فقال: اسقه عسلا. ثم أتاه فقال: فعلت. فقال: صدق الله وكذب بطن أخيك, اسقه عسلا. فسقاه فبرأ

"There's someone facing the Prophet alaihi wa sallam, he said: 'My brother complained of pain in perutnya6.' The Prophet said: 'Give it to drink honey." Then the man came for a second time, the Prophet said:' Give it to drink honey. " The man came again at the third time, the Prophet kept saying: 'Give it to drink honey. "

After that, the man came again and said: 'I've done (but have not actually recovered also increased diarrhea). '7 The Prophet said:' Allah is true and your brother's stomach was a lie. Give drink again honey. 'The man was given a drink again, then his brother was healed. "(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 5684 and Muslim no. 5731)

2. Treatment with `Black Seed (black cumin, red.)

Prophet alaihi wa sallam said:

إن هذه الحبة السوداء شفاء من كل داء إلا من السام. قلت: وما السام? قال: الموت

"Verily this` Black Seed is the drug of all diseases, except from the disease as-samu ". I (ie `Aisha may Allaah be pleased 'anha) asked:" Do as-samu it? "He replied:" Death. "(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 5687 and Muslim no. 5727)

3. Treatment with camel milk and urine

Anas may Allaah be pleased 'anhu relates: "There is a group of people' Urainah of the population suffering from the Hijaz (from hunger or fatigue). They said: 'O Messenger of Allah, give place unto us and give us food. "As has been healthy, they said:' Verily air city of Medina unsuitable for us (until we suffer pain)." Messenger of peace 'alaihi wa sallam also places them in Harrah, near where the maintenance of his camels (which amounted to 3-30 tail). He said: 'Drink milk and urine of camels. '9

When they have been healthy, they killed the shepherd the camels Prophet alaihi wa sallam (after they gouged out his eyes) and herding camels are (in their apostasy from Islam as well,). Prophet alaihi wa sallam also sent envoys to pursue them, until they get caught and be punished with cut hands and their feet and their eyes plucked out. "(Narrated by al-Bukhaari. 5685, 5686 and Muslim no. 4329)

4. Treatment with a bruise (hijamah)

Ibn '' Abbaas reported:

أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم احتجم وهو محرم في رأسه من شقيقة كانت به

"Indeed the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam did bruise on the head of state him as muhrim (people who Ihram) because of illness on the part of his head." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 5701)

The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam also said:

الشفاء في ثلاث: شربة عسل, وشرطة محجم, وكية نار, وأنهى أمتي عن الكي

"The medicine / cure it (among others) in three (treatments): drinking honey, and with berbekam kay, but I forbid my Ummah from kay." 11 (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 5680)

Ruqyah, One Medical Nabawi

Among the treatments are beneficial Nabawi with the permission of Allaah is the shar'i ruqyah, defined in Al-Qur `an and Sunnah is saheeh. Know, which Allaah has made the Qur'an as Syifa anul Karim `(medicine / healers) as saying:

ولو جعلناه قرآنا أعجميا لقالوا لولا فصلت آياته ءأعجمي وعربي قل هو للذين آمنوا هدى وشفاء

"And if we made al-Qur` an is a reading in a language other than Arabic they would say: 'Why do not verses? "Is (worth Qur` an) in a foreign language, whereas (Messengers are) Arab ? Say: 'Al-Qur `an that is a guide and antidote to those who believe'." (Fushshilat: 44)

وننزل من القرآن ما هو شفاء ورحمة للمؤمنين

"And We sent down the Qur'an of what is Syifa` and mercy for those who believe. "(Al-Israa`: 82)

من letter in the above verse to describe the type, not shown tab'idh (meaning some). Because Al-Qur `an entirely is Syifa` and a mercy for believers, as stated in the previous paragraph (ie Al-Fushshilat: 44). "(Ad-Da` u `wad Dawa, pp. 7)

Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani rahimahullahu said when commenting on the hadith which mentions about a woman who suffered from epilepsy (epilepsy): "In this hadith there is the argument that the treatment of all diseases with prayer and rely on Allaah is more potent and more useful than with drugs. Influence and Khasiatnya for any body larger than the influence of physical medicine.

But its efficacy was obtained with the two cases:

First: From the people who suffer from pain, which is a straight intentions / objectives.

Second: In terms of treating people, namely the power of the guidance / direction and strength of his heart with piety and resignation. And Allaah knows best. "(Fath Bari 10/115)

In the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri may Allaah be pleased 'anhu about ruqyah with surah Al-Fatiha is one of the Companions, was really the influence of drugs on the ills of the village leader. So that the drug was able to eliminate the disease, as if the disease did not exist before. This way is the easiest treatment and light. If a slave to treatment ruqyah by reading Al-Fatiha is good, He would certainly have seen a remarkable influence in the recovery.

Al-Imam Ibn Qayyim rahimahullahu said: "I've lived in Makkah for some time in a state affected by various diseases. And I do not find a doctor or medicine. I also treat myself with Al-Fatiha is read repeatedly on the glass of Zam-zam water and then drink it, until I saw the effects of the treatment was amazing. Then I tell this to people who complain sick. They also perform the treatment with Al-Fatihah, it turns out most of them recover quickly. "

Subhanallah! Thus the explanation and the testimony of Al-Imam Ibn Qayyim rahimahullahu of ruqyah and examined his personal experiences with reading Al-Fatihah. (Ad-Da `u` thing wad Dawa. 8, Ath-Nabawi Thibbun pp. 139)

Ash-Shaykh Salih bin Fauzan said: "It is Allaah has made Al-Qur` an as Syifa `for hissi diseases (which can be felt senses) and maknawi of liver diseases and body. But the condition, and that peruqyah must mengikhlaskan intention diruqyah. And each believes that healing comes from the side of Allaah. And ruqyah with the words of Allaah is one of the causes that benefit. "

He also said: "Treatment with ruqyah Al-Qur` an is the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam and the practice salaf. They used to treat people affected 'ain, possessed by jinn, witchcraft and all diseases with ruqyah. They believe that ruqyah including mubah12 means longer useful, while the cure is Allaah alone. "(Al-Muntaqa min Fataawa ash-Shaykh Salih Al-Fauzan, juz 1, the answer to Question no. 77)

Thibbun Nabawi Giving effect to healing the license Allaah

Maybe some of us have ever tried to do treatment with Thibbun Nabawi with drinking or madu13 eg `habbah brothers. Or with ruqyah read the verses of Al-Qur `an and the prayers that were taught the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam, but did not feel the influence of anything. The disease does not go away. In the end, we leave Thibbun Nabawi lack of trust will Khasiatnya, then switched to chemical drugs. Why? Why do we not get the benefits obtained as Al-Imam Ibn Qayyim rahimahullahu as concerned with themselves with Al-Fatiha? Or, as practiced by the Companions as concerned with the chiefs who had been stung in which venomous animals after treatment of the chiefs (village leader) recovered as if it had never felt the pain?

Among the answers, as saying al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullahu has passed, that the manjurnya ruqyah (treatment by reading the prayers and the verses of Al-Qur `an) is obtained when met two things:

First: From the side of the patient, must be straight and true intentions / goals.

Second: In terms of treatment, should have the strength in providing guidance / direction and strength of the heart with piety and resignation.

Al-Imam Ibn Qayyim rahimahullahu said: "There are things that should be understood, the remembrance, verses, and prayers that were read as a drug and read as concerned with, it is a useful drug. However, the response needed in place, the strength of spirit and influence of people concerned with. When the drug was not given effect, it is because the weak impact peruqyah, the absence of response at the site of the diruqyah, or the existence of a strong barrier that prevents the drug efficacy, as it is in medicine and disease hissi.

The absence of the drug effect could be due to the lack of acceptance thabi'ah to the drug. Sometimes also because of the strong barriers that prevent the operation of the drug. Because if thabi'ah taking drugs with perfect reception, surely the benefits gained from the drug's body in accordance with such acceptance.

Similarly liver. When taking ruqyah hearts and prayers of protection with perfect reception, along with those concerned with having a powerful spirit, undoubtedly the more influential ruqyah in eliminating the disease. "(Ad-Da` u `wad Dawa, pp. 8)

Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said rahimahullahu, sometimes some people who use Thibbun Nabawi not get healing. That is because the barriers for those using these medications. Barrier was a lack of belief in the healing that obtained with the drug, and the weak acceptance of the drug.

The most noticeable examples / clear in this case is Al-Qur `an, which is a healing medicine for the disease in the chest. Even so, it turns out some people do not get the healing of existing diseases in the chest. (This of course happens,-Pent.) Due to lack of confidence and acceptance. Even for a hypocrite, does not increase unless the dirt on the existing dirt on him, and added pain in the existing hospital.

Thibbun Nabawi thus not suitable / appropriate except for the bodies of good, as healing with Al-Qur `an is not suitable except for careful good. (Bari Fath, 10/210)

Of course keep in mind that recovery is a matter of who is destined to Allaah. He is the Almighty, as the Essence of providing healing sometimes delaying the recovery, even though I've been on the causes of healing. He put it off until the time set loss disease with His wisdom.

A clear recovery can be obtained with drugs if taken properly, as hunger can be relieved by eating and thirst can be relieved by drinking. So in general the drug will be useful. But sometimes it misses the benefit obtained because of the barrier. (Bari Fath, 10/210)

Allaah ta'ala knows best-bish shawab.

1. Rahthun the group consisting of 3 to 10 people

2. Qathi ', says linguist, is generally used for the number between 10 and 40. There is also the opinion 15 to 25. But the dimaukan in this hadith is 30 ewes as shown in the history of Al-A'masy. (Al-Minhaj Syarhu Saheeh Muslim, 14/409, Fathul Bari 4 / 576)

3. Ibn Abi Hamzah said: "We blew in with a little spat is concerned with the qira` ah, in order to obtain blessings on qira `ah diusapkan limb spit on it." (Fath Bari, 4 / 576)

4. About  in ruqyah taking wages, could see further discussion in the rubric Main Study.

5. However, there does not mean we are forbidden chemical treatment, as long as it is clearly permissible and kehalalannya.

6. In other lafadz, mentioned the man said: إن أخي استطلق بطنه

Meaning (استطلق بطنه) is a lot that came out of the bowels diarrhea / diarrhea. (Bari Fath, 10/208)

7. As in Muslim history, the man said:

إني سقيته فلم يزدد إلا استطلاقا

"I've meminumkannya honey but do not add to her except diarrhea."

8. The meaning, his stomach did not deserve to receive the medicine even reject it. Here too there are signs that honey is a useful drug. As if the disease persists and does not disappear after taking the honey, not because of bad honey, but because of the number of damaged elements in the body. Therefore the Prophet alaihi wa sallam asked him to repeat drink honey. (Fathul Bari, 10/209, 210)

9. camel urine particularly useful for stomach disorders diseases / digestion, as shown in the history of Ibn al-Mundhir 'Abbas is marfoo'. (Bari Fath, 10/177)

10. In this way gross bleeding (blood disease) in a particular body part.

11. Kay is pressed by the treatment while pressing a hot iron, burning the body parts that hurt.

12. Permissibility And here is for people who do not request that her diruqyah, as well as legal problems have their own discussion.

13. In the hadith the Prophet said 'alaihi wa sallam encourage sick people to drink honey stomach. At first, he drank honey do not stop the illness because the drug must have a balanced level with the disease. If the medicine does not eliminate the less then the overall disease, but if the dose is excessive even weaken the strength and other harmful